Thursday, October 8, 2009

PMSing lagi

This is another perasaan-membara post. I may sound like a complete bitch after all these bitching and whining entries, but takkan aku nak bernafas naga kat muka orang kan. I generally feel much better after venting it HERE (who doesn't lah kan).

A few days ago, I was chatting with one of my acquaintances (those yang sapa-menyapa only twice a year punya type). Everything was fine and dandy...until he mentioned about Don and I. I don't know lah whether he was being a dick or not, but he kept on saying stupid shit like "i bet arak dah bergelen-gelen minum, huhu", or "mesti mat salleh tu suka seks", or "mesti dia treat u mcm mistress dia je kan"

What the fuck.

I'm glad he thought it was funny...or maybe he said that in a 'joking' way so that he wouldn't appear too much of an asshole by saying that?

Why would people associate living outside of Malaysia and having a non-Malaysian boyfriend with drugs, liquor and sex? Apa kau ingat kapel kapel Melayu ni innocent sangat tak pernah minum semua semua tu?

Kau ingat kelab-kelab malam kat Malaysia tu tak der orang Melayu?

Excuse me.

It weren't his questions yang membuatkan aku sakit hati, aku tak makan cili, so aku tak terasa pedas lah, but what really gets me is that he blatantly blame on someone like me (yang berpartnerkan bukan Melayu). And also his lack of political correctness.

His whole point was that I'm the downfall of our society.


I've got no reason to hate atau benci atau menyampah to those people yang highly socialite, it's their choice lah nak buat apa, asal kau tak mabuk pastu langgar bontot kereta aku sudah.

But what I'm reallllyyy annoyed at is those people yang berlagak "alim", pura pura innocent, pretending not to know anything worldly. You keep on saying "Kau nak tau, si minah tu hari tu aku nampak dia minum...dah lah muka hodoh, pastu nak berlagak westernized, dosa!" sok sek sok sek.

Oo, kau tau minum tu dosa, tapi yang kau dok kutuk minah tu tak dosa? You're committing a sin too. Bodoh.

Tak boleh ke kau duduk diam je, kalau it's against the religion pon, tegur lah dia. Bukan kutuk belakang. Bodoh.

Hey screw you lah. You're one hypocritical bastard.

For all we know, you could be the biggest sinner belakang pintu.

I've received a few bad assumptions, because of him. Apa kau ingat just because he's a non-Malaysian, non-Muslim (yet) that makes him a bad man? You don't know him. You don't know whether he's a drinker or not. You don't know whether dia ni kaki seks bebas or hisap dadah or not. So what gives you the rights to judge him?

What gives you the right to compare him with our Malay guys then belittle him because of his race and religion?

Instead of be disgusted by the fact that he's a westerner ( di mana liquor and seks adalah the norm), how about you be disgusted by our people yang nak be westernized.

How's that for a change.

Stop hating on other races. Not all of them are bad.


  1. alia ni tak puas hati gilers..macik yg membaca pun naik semangat!

  2. ye btol! np bile kt berkwn dgn omputeh then duduk seumh dgn die, teksah r laki ke pompan, org mst pdg kt berpewatakan spt omputeh2 dlm tv. aku bkn nk ckp pe r...kdg2, omputeh lg more polite dr org kite sdri. cume maybe omputeh ske straight forward...tu yg org kite pk omputeh ni kong ajo je pe. just my 2 cents.

  3. ya Allah.... setuju sgt!!!!

    igt org melayu kat sini baekkkk ke?? bapak syaitan nauzubillah perangaii!

    ajak2 org buat sex, xtau malu.. minum khalayak ramai... eii!

    die jeles tu alia.... pathetic!!

    ngaku je la nak suh carikkan die awek mat salleh, kan senang... hish!

    -ok sorry ter emo.. tp siyess geram!-

  4. Orang macam tu saje je dengki....


    Anyways, despite people's judgement, what's inside us is what that counts. I suppose that as long as we know who we are and be the best that we can be, biarlah orang fikir buruk, because deep inside we know we did nothing wrong!


  5. haha marah sungguh, u shld give him ur blog address! =)

    yep i 100% agree what u said, nowadays malays tak semestinya muslim. i've got friends yg converted and they are better muslim than most of us (because they CHOSE to embrace islam, not born into it)

    biaq p la derang sume!!!

  6. aku selalu setuju dgn ko aliaaa...
    ini dinamakan, salah org mesti dicari tapi tak sedar dlm masa yg sama dia sendiri pun buat salahhh.. ko jgn tunggu lagi, tempeleng aje dia thru ym icon tu. eeee


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)