Thursday, October 8, 2009


Woh, I spent like 3 jam depan laptop sebab nak letak komik-komik tu kat sidebar. Nak kaler lagi, nak edit lagi. Nak letak code lagi. Nak itu nak ini. Things would be much easier kalau aku ada photoshop dalam laptop ni. Nak kaler gambar website lain, nak letak text kat website lain, macam macam website aku pegi ok.

Secara ringkasnya, I'm a very resourceful person la.


I oso made my header tukar-tukar. Setiap kali refresh, tukar header lain. Yay! Ok lah, walaupon tak banyak choices (4 je!) but at least tak der lah bosan tengok header yang sama je kan. Cheh, macam lah korang tengok header je pon kan.

Content = everything.

Kosmetik kosmetik ni bonus je kan?

Eh lantak lah, my template makes up for the lack of substance dalam my contents (wah, cara cakap macam lah template ni cantik sangat haha).

Anyway, I appreciate all your comments on my Irony entry. Mula mula ingat nak reply, tapi macam dah jadi karangan PMR pulak, berjela-jela, baik aku terus summarize kan kat entry yang baru kan.

Tak sangka most of you feel the same way too, and tak sangka jugak I have silent readers. Haha.

I know I may sound ignorant dan selfish, tapi selama ni memang aku rasa aku sorang je yang sakit hati dengan orang-orang yang bermulut cabul macam tu. Maybe lah aku ni extra gebu dari most of you and tak selawa korang, sebab tu bila kena caci physically, terguris jugak lah hati.

I oso know jugak, there's no other way to deal with it selain daripada ignore. Lantak kau la labu kau nak cakap apa. Tapi I'm just a normal human being, born with perasaan. Dalam ignore ignore tu pon, kadang-kadang terasa jugak.

Tapi what to do, takkan aku nak tetiba lempang tamparan sakti kat diorng kot?


Hahaha....ok saiko betul aku ni.

But betullah, I don't believe violence is the solution to all problems, tapi kalau aku tempeleng sekor, mesti lepas tu dia fikir 100 kali bila nak mengutuk aku kan. Hahahah

And plus, it gives me kepuasan macam makan nasik 4 dulang (haha apakah?)

I've also overheard (and being complained to) orang orang yang kurus ni kena kutuk.

"Kedingnya kauuu"

"Hoi bulimic patient! Meh sini!"

I mean what the fuck? That's another way of insulting jugak kau tak tau ke.

Serupa jugak kalau kau cakap

"Gemoknya kauuu"

"Hoi gemok! Meh sini!"

Bunyi kurang ajar kan??

Apa kau ingat diri kau tu perfect sangat ke sampai mulut tak der insurance?

I know mesti lepas ni ada manusia celaka akan fikir/komen "if you know you're fat, why don't you do something about it and stop complaining. It's all what fat people do, complain complain complain".

Well I've got one thing to tell you.... SCREW YOU.

You don't know kalau we've been eksersaising or not. You don't know kalau we've cut our carb intake or not. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHETHER WE HAVE MADE AN EFFORT OR NOT.

I can complain WHILE dieting. Mungkin sebelum aku start whining tu aku baru habis exercise. Kau tak tau kan. So I can retort your statement then you'd look like an idiot.

Mungkin jugak orang tu ada penyakit (bulimia, anorexia, excessive lemak) mana kau tau? Walaupon they've done so much to lose/gain weight, pastu tetiba ada nyamok spit that comment.

Tak ke sakit hati?

But that's not the point here, aku bukan marah sebab aku gemok atau kurus, aku marah sebab these people don't know how to communicate. Mulut laser.

You don't have the political correctness to talk to people.

Tak tau ke it's insulting kalau kau cakap macam tu? Regardless lah kalau kau gelak-gelak lepas tu and the victim pon gelak sekali. But that doesn't mean that we gelak sebab lawak kau kelakar. It means that wow it hurts but we don't want to elongate our discussion and I just want to move on to another subject and wow you're an idiot.


Boleh imagine kalau kau cakap "u makan nasi 10 kali sehari ke uhuhuhuh" masa kau interview kerja? Kau rasa interviewer panel tu nak kasi kau kerja? It's INSULTING.

I don't get it kenapa kau rasa you can pull that so-called-joke outta your ass. And bukan nak cakap apa lah, tapi hanya orang yang tak berpelajaran je yang suka buat 'lawak' berunsurkan physical orang.

So are you saying that you're uneducated?

Haha, tetiba ada gambar ni. Ok apa, at least ada gambar untuk melegakan fikiran..haha..


  1. yeah me too alia, im ur silent reader =D suka okeh baca ur blog especially those cartoons =) cute okeh. and yes, being fat pun salah jadik kurus punnnnn salah. so the best way, pedulikan apa orang cakap as long we are happy!

  2. Babe, I think everyone is beautiful in their own way and guess what...ur a beauty to me!!!! Diorang ingat kalau badan keding lawa la sangat...tapi kalau hati tu busuk orang kenal dia pon rasa buruk jugak kan? People shouldn't judge, especially people they don't know....dah la tak kenal orang sedap mulut je melaserkan?

    Tetiba aku emo sorang2.

    p/s : Babe, cool layout. If only I'm as resourcefull as you, tapi aku ni bab2 IT memang fail. heheheheh.

  3. alah dik ooi..kite wat xtau jeler...akak pon penah gak gemok dulo(skrg kurus ker?kkaaahh..)ramai yg dok kutok 'byk air', 'montel' dan mcm2 lagik..hellow ko ker yg bagi aku mkn lebai?ssh kn nk tutop mulot org?memuler dulo sedey jer ati nih tp lelamer..'ade aku kesah?..relax yer alia, yg penting boy ko ensem..ensem cam laki aku..kkkaaahhh..(niway dik slm perkenalan utk ko yer..muah..muah pp..)

  4. i suke la cartoon u tu!
    ohh..btw, i'm ur silent reader too! ;)
    [& aku benci bile dulu2 org sebok ckp aku kuruih kering tp skrg ni sume sebok2 kate aku boncit! vavi betul diorg nih!]

  5. love the white layout. plg ske header bulat2 ijau tu. and the cartoons olso. and the content jugak lah.

    i am super skinny and sll gak kne kutuk. aku da try mkn semer mnde lam dunia ni but hardly gain weight. with height at 170cm at weights at 40kg, semer org panggey aku walking stick, sliding door, lamp post, bla.. bla.. rse cm nk nangis. rse mcm nk jd invisible so dat ppl wont look at me and giv ridiculous remarks. even pegi tailor hntr bj pon, mkcik tailor tu will shout, ko ni dh peknen 3x, pinggang 26 jugak. x mkn ke? aku stop hntr bj kt sne dh. bli ready made je. muahahah!

  6. After 2 mths kot aku tak visit blog niiiiiii, aku sgt sukaaaakan layout ko okie.
    shannntekkk! hahaha...

    aku pun kena juga kutuk boncit dgn org mcm annasuejie tu.... sgt kurang ajar tapi mcm terpaksa redha sbb aku mengaku aku tak suka bersenam atau sport2 ni....

  7. part kena panggil keding dan terasa tu... YES, THAT'S ABSOLUTELY TRUE INDEED!
    i feel you ok.. kalau org lain sibuk nk kuruskan badan but give up, well aku pulak sibuk nak gain more weight tapi dah give up. ada org senang nak naik tapi susah nak turun but for some people like me, susah nak gain tapi senang nak turun. urghh!! *tertekan*

    dari skola sampai skang, mesti ada atleast sorang yg label aku as Olive, bini Popeye.. *peace*

  8. oh one more thing, aku letih dah dengar ayat ni everytime ada gathering dengan kawan2..
    "Kenapa kau kurus sangat ni Suriiiiiiiiiiiiii.. kurus sangat weh"

    atau diorang comment psal muka aku
    "Isk kenapa makin banyak jerawat ni? Pegilah buat facial or jumpa skin specialist"

    macam la aku ni tak amek berat psal muka aku kan, beratus dah habis tapi nak buat macamana, dah hormon aku still berjiwa remaja kan.. auw T___T

  9. Hehe...few years back, I pernah agak kurus (tapi rasanya takde la keding gilerrr), but pernah terkena fire yang i ni keding mcm papan.. takde tu laa takde ni laa... sabo je la... wat i did, ignore je lah..i know my body more than anyone else...n i dont need their rcognition pun :P

    pernah jugak alami sakit jerawat teruk, yg mcm berbatu2 tu sampai muka kusam...skang pun masih ada acne but dah kurang. but masa tu,punya dasat nak kuar gi kelas pun malu, but i kuar jugak....pastu mcm2 la org tanya, komen, bg saranan etc... huhu... but plg dasat someone said to me jgn baca doa tgk cermin, nnti akhlak i jadi buruk juga, sbb dlm doa tu somthing like 'indahkan akhlak ku seperti mana rupaku'... the fact that it came from someone who is physically lawa and sntiasa dipuji lawa certainly did no good. I ni jenis susah marah kwan2, so marah pun diplomatik je...she said sowie n all... not that i dont forgive her or ppl like them.. but... sometimes wonder like wat u said in this post....kenapa depa laser sampai mcm tu?? diorg ni... insecure dgn diri sendiri, trying to compare every aspect in life... or simply sadly insensitive + ignorant? hmmm...

    But somehow I do appreciate those experiences... buat i lebih sensitif nak berkata-kata dan fikir hati perasaan org. ahaks..cewah

    apapun saiz, kaler, struktur ke tekstur kita...yg penting... kita konfiden. for me, confidence is beauty ;-)

    (ni post entry ke komen? haha nk lwan tokeh ka)

  10. still.. aku masih nk go invisible sbb aku punye self-esteem da tergugat. bygkan dr kecik smpai besar duk kne kutuk. mls laa aku. oh god. i wish im invisible. thnk u.

  11. hi alia, another silent reader here^_^. i must say that i luv reading ur posts but this one touches my heart the most.

    i feel u. i grew up as a hitam,lanky and everything that are opposite to pretty-ish with four beautiful sisters and a freaking stunning mother. imagine that. i grew up overhearing to my relatives refer me as the 'ayam hitam' or 'kucing hitam' of the family all the time. ntah ape kene mengene pown ak tak tau but it hurts me sooo much to hear those words.

    sometimes i wonder if im adopted or better yet if my father had had an affair n im actually from a diff mother n i can runaway n live peacefully with my ugly biological mother. its not that i hate my mother or any of my sis but sometimes i wish they are more prudent in their words.

    but anyhoo, to their defense they dont know any better. sure some people saying mean things are just plain mean people but most of them arent. they just never had the experience of being ridiculed by others ( at least in their appearances) hence the attitude. sometimes the mean things they're saying are intended to help.

    so after years of crying my eyes out due to those hurtful comments/remarks/advice (i soo wish i have ur sense of humour while dealing with this stuff)i finally began to figure it out. n then i come across ur entry n feel that i should share it with u too. yes, they may be ignorant to our feelings but we should not take it too hard either on ourselves or even on them.

    its adat kehidupan. people usually only care for themselves. what we could do is be the bigger person and help them lift the ignorant veil n see whats more important in life rather than looks. its win-win they'll not call us fugly n we dont hav to call them ignorant dumbasses. so no longer 'i win' situation where all mean people stays the way they are n add to the archive or useless citizen or 'i lose' situation where less attractive people want to commit suicide.

    wow i've been rambling so much i think i beat the length of ur entry. anyways this is just what i do to survive n its working. i feel a lot comfortable with myself now n now im sort of glad im diff from my sis. btw, keep in mind that this method only applies to accidental bitch. as for the simply mean bitch just pray that their future are not as dark as their heart.

    just my thought.
    love, amani


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)