Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Kau ni macam budak-budaklah.

You don't need to cakap berkias-kias or bisik-bisik kat orang lain yang you don't like me. Say it to my face.

Though I'm younger than you but I KNOW I act more mature dari kau.

I'm not gonna tempeleng you or hate you just because kau tak suka aku. Suka hati kau lah nak suka siapa ke tak, kan? I respect your decision.

But how the fuck are you going to expect me to respect YOU AS A PERSON if you don't even have the decency to TELL ME that yourself?!

I know it's a bit too much lah kalau aku mintak tanya WHY, dah nak cakap "i don't like you" tu pon pengecut telor.

I'm not your family member, nor close friend, so buat apa kau nak segan-segan nak kasi tau? It's not like you're going to see me every goddamn day of your fucking life pon.

I enjoy talking to you pon sebab based from your writings, you seemed like an open person, you hardly ever hide your feelings, if you don't like something, you'd voice it out. Tapi kenapa bab macam ni you appear to be such a cowardly little pussy?

Aku bukan jenis manusia yang tutup telinga tanak dengar orang talk bad pasal aku, I actually want to know WHY diorg tak suka aku, so I can fix myself. I take constructive criticism as a fucking compliment.

Seriously, grow the fuck up lah.


One more thing, ada sorang ni, dalam blog dia, ada hati dia kasi komen pasal layout blog-blog orang lain. Siap cakap "I think you should tukar your blog template lah...pening aku baca.."

How much of a fucking hypocrite can you be?

Have you seen YOUR OWN fucking template?


Dumb shit.

I don't care lah kau nak bragging pasal itu ini, cakap pasal itu ini, tapi kalau siap nak kasi nasihat kat orang pasal benda yang YOU'RE DOING THE SAME THING, baik tak payah. Sila cermin sikit diri tu sendiri.

You make me sick. Your narcissicm, double standard and your addiction to ass-kissers are so pathetic.


People can be too taksub with fame and glamor over a fucking blog. A FUCKING PERSONAL BLOG.

It's becoming such a sickening phenomenon di Asia Tenggara. That's whats funny about it, when you talk about "popular blogs" OUTSIDE of Malaysia/Singapore, you'd pointed to Gizmodo, TechCrunch, or Mashable. Heck even Perez Hilton.

See the similarities between OUR definition of 'popular blog' and theirs?




  1. Eh babe. Ni yang blog layout, the same minah ke? ;)

  2. aku da stop bace blog font putih background merah itu sbb aku pening ngn font. entry2 pon pening gak.

  3. bab blog tu hadoiiii..cudnt agree more lah. setuju!! rasa nak lantik kau jadi PM skrg. haha

    seriously, WHY SO SERIOUS?? just a fucking blog kan. sumpah meluat okeh

  4. macam tau je blog sapekah itu.. hahaha

  5. sabar2.. hehe.. bila dh rase bagus ni mmg sentiasa nk bg tunjuk ajar..

  6. Nanie:
    Tak, tapi aku cakap pasal IDOLA dia..haha..tapi seriously kan, minah tu pon layout pening. Rasa mcm nak terburai bila baca.

    HAHAHAHAH!!!! Alamak, rahsia saya dah pecah ke! Obvious sangat ke sampai semua org tau blog sapa I was talking about ni?? HAHAHAH!!!!

    PM utuk apa cik? Pasukan Mengomel? Hahah...But yeah, it's just a blog lah, tak payah lah nak bikin mcm berita China nak bom Malaysia kan..

    Eh betul lah, I think I gave away a lil too much info! Hahah tapi apakahhh, aku hanya mentioned pasal font putih background merah je..mcm mana semua org tau ni?!?!? Hahahahahahaha

    Bila org tu dah rasa bagus, dia terus lupa diri. Dia tak sedar, dia dulu pon bersusah payah jugak and because dia ada loyal supporters yang membuatkan dia semua loyal supporters tu dah jijik tgk apa dah jadi, so yg tinggal cuma ass kissers...and you think they're gonna be there for you when you're down? Sorry beb.

  7. Pecayalah, dia tu sebenarnya jeles dengan layout ko, Alia. Aku ni siap tunjuk kat officemate aku, "tengok ni.. dia buat layout dia sendiri, comel2 kan?", kahkahkah..

  8. hahaha.. i'm kind of person yang absorb everythings around.. so once u mentioned some keywords.. its like *pling!!* terbentang depan mata jawapannya.. haha

  9. dah seminggu rasanya aku tak baca blog ko nih..
    abis semua aku khatam entri ko!
    aku pon mcm tawu blog siapakah yg ko maksodkan itu!!
    ko jgn beb.. ramai pengikot sanggop matik kerana dia tuhh!!!


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)