I just watched cerita err, apa nama movie tu, tak femes, sebab aku tak pernah dengar pon sebelum ni (chey, tak femes sebab aku tak pernah dgr...who do you think you are lah Alia, Perez Hilton ka? - Eh bab gemok tu padan lah...haha, ok ok).
Jap, nak imdb kejap...oh yea,
I Could Never Be Your Woman.
And throughout the whole movie, I realized that I've always been attracted to dorky guys yang comel. Haha...ok, macam lah aku ni lawa sangat kan, nak yang hensem hensem je. But itu kan lumrah hidup, mata mesti sedap memandang...hati busuk tu nanti cerita.
See how comel this dork is?? (Paul Rudd)
But betul lah, before this, aku selalu ingat my ciri-ciri lelaki idaman adalah macam Jason Statham...ganas, botak dan bulky.
Masa muda mudi dulu tak kira lah, sebab dulu aku minat kat lelaki yang bermata biru dan berambut blonde..haha..gay sungguh.
Then dah besar sikit, baru lah rasa "wtf" then terus tukar ciri ciri lelaki idaman....terus jadi botak nokk. Haha
Tak botak pon, ala-ala tua sikit...macam pakcik bawah ni, George Clooney.
Rambut beruban di tiupi angin...hmm nyaman. Hahahahaha...
So anyway, I've always thought my taste in men sudah matured...from blonde haired to gray haired, blue eyed to...cataract eyed? Hahahah...
Rupa-rupanya, I was in denial. I'm a dork lover. Have always been.
Personally, I think dorky guys ni are so cute. Their attitude mostly.
Though aku tak banyak experience dengan lelaki type macam ni (actually, Don's the only one), but I'm still gonna give a few points di mana I think telah memikat hati kalbu (haha!! waddehel! jijik weh!)
FirstHis sense of humor. His humor may sometimes be dark and satire humor, but they still can make me menangis sebab kelakar. I dunno lah how to explain, but I think his jokes are sooo adorable. Macam dalam comic/kartun dalam tv.
Oh yeah, semua kartun strip aku tu, based on true events. So aemua bubbles yang keluar from his character, came from his mouth. Aku cuma tulis balik je. And lately, most of the jalan cerita tu, dia yang fikir. Aku cuma lukis.
I told him
"why don't YOU make a comic too?? Nanti boleh jadi femes, lepas tu boleh berjoli sakan" Hahah...oklah, I didn't actually say the last line..
But dia ni kan pakcik degil...
SecondHe's an asshole.
Haha..ok bunyi macam kurang ajar, but don't get me wrong lah, he's full of respect. Tak der lah dia tiba tiba nak tengking makcik tua jual ikan..(motif jual ikan??).
I suppose I could call it witty, instead of asshole-like.
Wits overrule everything else.
If you've got no wit, you're just plain boring lah.
Kalau perang mulut dengan dia, memang akan kalah. Sebab his comebacks are either will make you loss of words, or loss of words.
He will also confront you if dia tak puas hati. Dia bukan jenis yang cakap belakang, baling batu sorok tangan. Dia tak baling batu, dia akan toreh muka orang dengan batu tu.
I guess I like it rough. Tak der lah macam mashed potatoes...lembik mushy lebih lebih...oh speaking of mushy..
ThirdHe CAN be mushy. Tapi tak der lah overload. Geli geleman pulak bila lelaki menggedik. Nak pelempang?
He's a romantic guy, but not hopeless romantic.
If he loves someone, he will love her with all his heart. He makes me feel like a queen everyday. Hahaha...anda berasa jijik?
He will buat something incredibly romantik and cute, tak kisah lah how small it is (eg:
This). It doesn't take diamonds and gold to make someone happy you know..a small gesture will do.
FourthHe can cook!
And he doesn't expect me to cook!!!!!That's a BIG bonus!! Hahaha...sebab aku tak pandai masak. Hahaha
No seriously, it is such a relief knowing that he doesn't mind me not knowing how to cook. He loves being in the kitchen anyway.
Dulu selalunya orang-orang tua pesan, belajar masak, nanti macam mana nak kawen kalau tak tau masak. Eh, kalau tak tau masak tak boleh kawen ke?
Ye lah, dulu kan orang lelaki memang tak masak. Harapkan isteri je nak masak. Ok, maybe ada jugak lelaki zaman sekarang yang expect isteri dia je yang masakkan untuk dia. Alasan dia
"because he pays the bills". Oh excuse me, aku pon kerja, aku pon bayar bil, kenapa aku perlu masak hari hari?
Eh, tetiba teremo kejap.
Jangan lah orthodox sangat.
FifthHe plays video games rather than sports.
I guess that's just me. Cause aku kan gemok, mana suka aktiviti luar. I'd rather spend my days dalam rumah jadi hermit, and I'm so glad I have a partner that enjoys the same thing.
And the most stereotypical thing over here is, if you play sports, you must be a jock. And jocks hang out with other jocks. And jocks are usually rude bastards.
And I've always hated jocks. Ever since high school. Apa kau ingat your fame masa high school will make people succumb to you? Sori, sila cium kaki aku.
Well like I said, that's just me, ada sesetengah orang kipas bontot lelaki jocks ni.
Different people different taste lah.
SixthHe can be a bad boy too....despite his innocence.
I know that most perempuan suka lelaki jahat...macam wah, did he just break the rules?? Wah..machonya...
But I also know for a fact that none of us women would want to marry a bad boy. Sebab jahat sangat..haha..nanti di madukan. Takut tiba-tiba je dia cakap
"sorry babe, I've got another bimbo, see you later".Kurang ajar betul. Haha!
So in his case, dia ni pon kejam jugak, on certain times, but his kekejaman tu tak der lah sampai tahap nak bunuh orang ke apa. He still has his sanity ;)
SeventhHe's very faithful. Tak de nak menggedik gedik dengan perempuan lain. Never cheated before, despite the distance we had.
A guy whose girlfriend is out of town for 7 years, tak der spare part? Bunyi macam skeptical gila, but trust me, he deserves some thumbs up on this!
EighthI know he's not gonna agree with me here, but he's very shy. And I think that's just sooooo adorable! Rasa macam nak kunyah-kunyah (haha wtf??).
I think it's even more adorable for the fact yang he won't admit it. Haha.
NinethBecause of his shyness, that makes him such an exceptional gentleman. I know it has got to do with his he was raised, but I personally think it's because shy people tend to observe more and talk less.
Cair bila dengar dia communicate dengan strangers,
"yes ma'am",
"after you sir".
Eh, my whole points revolve around him saja. Tadi bukak topik pasal dorky boys, tiba tiba melalut pasal Don. Hahah..keji sungguh.
But he's the epitome of dorky guys yang sungguh comel lah.
Dan jikalau anda termuntah ke, terjijik ke, semasa membaca entry ini...haha, padan muka, sapa suruh baca.

I lap u lah monyet!