Thursday, January 24, 2013

Curiosity kills the cat.

Hari tu ternampak this one comment from Anon:

First things first ya.

I just wanna let this out from my system...comel gila komen! Maybe aku rasa comel sebab dia called me "dude" or most probably because "alrighty bye bye" at the end tu.

Ok and secondly,
Urgh, what forum? So I put on my detective hat and did a little investigating...(haha, padahal check blogger dashboard je. propa je lebih. HAHA)

So I took a snapshot of my daily statistics, and mostly came from this forum. Apa Cari forum ni weh?

I tried the URL, tapi I don't have the permission to read. Whatever.

Haha, tetiba nak emo.

Anyway, orang orang forum ni selalunya suka kutuk kutuk orang. Especially for posts yg kena ada privilege to read. I don't know la what this post in that forum says, could be good could be bad.

Tapi considering I've been lashing out on people before LOL, it's not a surprise if people want to kutuk me.

Saya redhaaaaaa.


Kepada sesiapa yang originated from that forum....

Hai, saya Alia. Saya berumur 18 tahun. Saya berasal dari Subang Jaya. Saya dah bertunang. Tapi kalau awak rasa awak hensem dan duit berkepul kepul, saya masih single lagi. LOLOLOL. Dan saya tipu je tadi, umur saya bukan 18 tahun, tapi 22 tahun. Ok bai.


  1. like seriously u are 22?seriously? sobss sobss..

  2. no, they dont kutuk u there. no worries

    *but they kutuk a lot of others .



    Hahahahahahaha...tak la, jgn percaya semua itu! I'm 28 la..tapi 20 by heart! Ceeeewaah!!


    HA!!! KAN! KAN! I told you so..Piah Zadora telah kembali kaaa? Hahah..tetiba aku nak sebok sebok kan..

  4. i was about to reveal your real age, tapi kau dah menjelaskan perkara sebenar. my objective stopped there. okbai.

  5. @marcos

    LOLOLOL kau jangan dengki boleh tak!

  6. Umur kita dekat. Saya 21 tahun dengan 7 tahun pengalaman, nak masuk lapan tahun pengalaman bulan depan.


  7. jangan riso xde yg kutuk awak di sana..diorang just cakap suka tengok awk dgn don..that's it=)

  8. eh kamonnnn not so young lah u alia lolol

    i read that comment frm cik anonymous tu jugak, and since i pun regular kt satu forum (not cari) got me think 'eh eh which forum ni which forum ni..'

    and mesti u gelak cos i was like ..

    'ish if i can access alia's dashboard kan senang terus gi spy'

    'hopefully lah alia ni perasan that comment and memperasankan diri to go spy'

    hahah, so thanks alot alia kerana perasan at least kill my curiosity jugak!

    (oh im not saying u perasan. pun intended)


  9. alia, dun worri, u tak fake atau belagak holier than thou, so orang tak kutuk pun u. deyols ni penggosip berhemah hihi. keep doing what ur doing, people loves ur humour n mengarutness

  10. alia, i'm one ur silent (and cari forum) reader since 2010. dont worry dalam forum tu takd siapa kutuk u, puji lagi ada sebab keselambaan u and kecomelan u.

  11. eh eh kalau anonymous tu panggil u dude, so Don tu apa? dudette eh?

    lololol 2x komen

  12. a readers that found u after i read that forum lah...
    a forummer said taht ur blog is 'real' n awsome la..
    so i klik u..then...ok,ur not that like a fantasy girl taht blogging..u something new n fresh for me,bcoz u r big..but u got handsome guy..hahhaha..
    i wanna it too..

  13. Ramainya fans kawan kesayangan aku ni ;)

  14. er..i know this is out of topic, but i saw a couple a few days ago.. they looked just like u and don, like seriously alike, just that they looked a lil bit older and have a really cute 4 year old daughter.. hahaha...thats all.. ^.^ *runs away*

  15. aku selalu 25 tahun.


    petua awet muda orang tua2 is... jangan ckp direct usia sebenar kita, just mention mcm ko mention, owh, 20 tahun by heart!


  16. aliaaaa...

    seriously dah lost sbb cuti pantang..
    apa terjadi ni..patutla blog private..
    huhu.. nk tau gakk

    anyway ..keep blogging ok.. u r so so real!

    ~peminat no 1 u~

  17. aliaa.. i saw uu.. in kelas senam robik.. rase nk tego and salam u..cos i'm your huge fan.. tp i segan :(

  18. nuruldoory,

    kelas senam robik manaaa pulaakk niii? hahah..kelas dancing ke??

  19. ye la alia.. i tak boleh focus.. asyek jeling2 u je kat cermin..

  20. nex time i nk say hi to u k. :)

    ** agrhh memerlukan pendinding tahan malu yang tebal**


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)