Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Though the day has ended, but my battle hasn't! Oh crap.

Alhamdullilah..habis jugak interview aku hari ni. Walaupon jantung rasa macam nak berhenti.
Eh gabra beb.

Overall..I think I did good, walaupon ada beberapa saat aku terhenti bercakap sebab otak tengah geliga nak goreng ayat. Haha. Eh, self assessment pulak si Alia ni.

My interviewer was a mat salleh and I personally do not enjoy being interrogated by these people (wah, tiba tiba ayat bunyi macam racism pulak). I mean bukan sebab apa lah, but they tend to be very serious dan I kenot act so selamba kacang.

Rasa macam tak der umphh kalau nak bergurau senda dengan diorng.

Eh, korang tak bergurau senda masa job interview ke? Ke aku sorang je yang mereng sebab ingat aku ni best sangat so boleh berjenaka sakan?

Anyway, it's a different thing kalau you're socializing with them, sebab diorg ni mulut jahanam (matiler kutuk) and they say what they want, but when it comes to work, they take shit seriously. And I mean very seriously.

Like by-the-book serious.

And that scares the crap outta me.

I mean kalau Malaysians yang interview, they tend to be more...hmm, down-to-earth, more forgiving and not so serious. Oklah, maybe the people yang aku pernah pergi interviews tu baik baik.

In another words, these mat salleh are so skema when it comes to hiring.

Skema = follow the guidelines = less chance for this mulut becok girl!! (wah, mengaku diri sendiri girl...wahaha, saya masih muda terima kasih!)

I know lah all agencies should praktis this, tapi kita kan sama-sama Malaysians...kasi chance lah sikit. Hahaaa

But anyhow, this mat salleh guy was actually pretty comforting, I mean he made me feel at ease lah, tak der lah macam my previous interviewer @ company minyak tersohor di dunia...haha kenot cakap nama company..(di mana she purposely flew from UK semata-mata nak conduct interview..talk about interviewing for a job!)

Oklah, maybe jugak masa she interviewed me I could hardly understand her accent..tapi tak mungkin jugak, sebab she spoke like a true Queens brit.
Maybe jugak lah I came unprepared...but tak mungkin jugak, sebab aku siap bukak buku depan dia ok, semata-mata nak tunjuk depan dia yang I have done my homework.

Tapi mak cakap, kebarangkalian besar I felt like I did bad during the interview, was because I'm/wasn't not really interested in the offered position..haha..maybe lah kot.

But I went for the interview jugak sebab orang kata, untuk masuk company minyak tersohor itu amatlah susah, sebab banyak procedures. I came for the interview so bila orang tanya I can jawab dengan muka bongkak "I have experienced [company minyak]'s job interview. Have you?"

Wah, tetiba nak beriak-riak..apahal..hahahaha

Anyway, back to today's event.....so yeah, I think I did pretty okay...I mean I am among the selected 7 out of 200+ applicants...kalau dia tak suka (resume aku), buat apa dia panggil kan? Wah...ayat self comforting..

OKlah, ini semua belum tau lagi, cause this is only the first stage...ada lagi 2nd interview...tapi sebelum itu, I have to buat powerpointjadah ni pulak...belum dapat kerja lagi dah ada homework..waddehel lah...


Doakan yang terbaik untuk saya ok!!

Peace and out.
(wah wah wah...tiba tiba perasan westernized lah pulak si gedik ni)

p/s: Waddehel lah...I noticed makin lama makin banyak spam comments..

I'm so against comments moderation cause I feel like I shouldn't be the judge on what type of komen yang dtg to my blog...I mean if people kasi comments yang memberansangkan...then thank you very much, I appreciate it, tapi kalau dia nak kutuk kutuk aku, hidung besar lah, riak, gemok dan hitam ke apa, I don't care, it's their rights. Lantak kau lah labu kau nak cakap apa, I welcome all comments.

I'm not a fan of word verification jugak...cause pada pendapat aku, kalau blog blog yang ada word verification ni..leceh lahhhh, padahal personal blog jeee, lain lah kalau website tu mendatangkan apa apa benefit untuk aku kan...(wah memilih haha). 

Tapi di sebabkan SPAM SPAM celaka ni dah masuk...what to do...penat lah asyik nak delete je hari hari...so terpaksa lah saya enable word verification :(

So kawan-kawan, jangan lah terasa segan malu tersipu sipu ke apa..don't stop commenting!! Wah cara cakap macam lah aku dapat 1000 comments setiap hari...hahahahaha..saiko badang betul.


  1. agagaga!

    pray the best oryte!



  2. Hi Alia,

    Good luck okay - kita pung tengah berusaha keras nie carik kerja. Babe, Khazanah and Petronas are employing - banyak kosong - g la try...

  3. all the best! hope u'll get it :D

  4. u oing for petronas ke??

    i heard they are recruiting now..

    a got an email from petronass panggil interview jugak..

    unfortunately, im with TM now.. huhuhu..

    petronas... my dream company...........*sambil leleh air liur*


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)