Friday, January 22, 2010

They don't want me because I'm too good. WTF.

Ok, seperti yang tak semua orang tahu, I went for an interview with this company (where my parents are/used to work - so kepada sesiapa yang tahu, shush shush ye).

Sure lah I was called for an interview because my parents ada kenalan (sebab nak masuk kena ada cable besar). But it doesn't matter how besar and panjang your cable is, but once you're in the meeting room, it's all up to you lah kan.

So payah lah sikit kalau anak anak Dato' ni di "recommended" kan but bila kena gertak sikit dlm interview, terus meleleh/do not perform well during the interview.

So anyway, back to my point, I was called. Tapi bila dalam meeting room ni, it was all up to how I conduct myself lah kan. Since I'm technically an experienced professional, I treated these panel professionally lah kan. I treated them on par with me lah. Tak de lah aku anggap diorg ni sungguh superior sampai kena sujud. You get what I mean tak?

It was a group interview; 5 orang sekali gus.

Sure thing, not a problem for me.

I really did my best tau. I asked a lot of questions because they didn't tell us/me enough. Sebab pada pandangan aku, a job interview is for the employer to know you and for you to know the employer/position as well kan?

I made the whole session more interactive, rather than just one sided. 

In my group tu, aku sorang je yang bersuara lantang, spik gud inggeris (sampai kena puji on the spot okkk, jangan memainnn haha) and aku berani bertanya. Yang lain macam takut takut, terketar ketar. I admit lah, aku pon terketar ketar jugak, but alhamdulillah, I managed to control it. Tahap confidence level tinggi beb. Hahaha

They didn't ask me a lot of questions...actually the only question they asked was "Tell us about yourself". Tu je.

What the hell.

Apahal diorg tanya candidates lain lebih-lebih?

Oleh disebabkan they didn't ask me, I had to ask them lah.

Logik lah kan!! Soalan yang aku tanya tu pon logik ok!! Bukan lah soalan bimbo macam "Encik dah makan??". 

It's to be expected lah kalau candidates tanya soalan kan. Lagi banyak soalan lagi bagus kan!

So to cut the story short (sebenarnya banyak lagi yang berlaku masa dalam meeting tu), a day after the interview, one of the panels jumpa bapak aku. Haha, rupa rupanya sebelum interview tu, my dad dah kenalkan dgn his friend ni, and his friend ni pulak jadi one of my interview panels.

Sungguh aku tak perasan. I have a bad memory btw.

Anyways, so si panel ni pon jumpa my dad. He told my dad yang he interviewed me and he said I am one of the best candidates (see I wasn't lying when I said I was good..hahaha). He even told my dad yang they (meaning the whole panels) were intimidated by me!!

Because I asked questions!!


Wait, the word he used was "challenged".

I did not challenge them. I simply ASKED them. Politely, and PROFESSIONALLY.

So bapak aku pon terkejut (cause I oredy told him everything - what went on during the interview), and apak pon tanya lah lagi, in what sense yang aku challenged diorang.

So si panel ni pon bagitau lah yang among all the candidates yang diorg interviewed, tak der sorang pon tanya soalan soalan bombastik yang required them to think. And selama ni, tak der sorang pon candidate yang treated them on par - selama ni semua orang anggap diorg superior, angguk angguk kepala walaupon tak paham/tak agree.

But not me.

Yer lah, kalau aku tak paham ke, tak agree ke, need more clarification ke, buat apa aku angguk kepala macam orang dungu. Mesti lah tanya balik kan!!

I mean aku treated diorg as a professional lah. From a professional to another professional. I didn't let them make me feel small, I had self-control and though I respect them as a future employer, but I didn't let them make me feel intimidated.

And because of that, they felt "challenged"!!


Oh jadi selama ni diorg interview candidates macam main belasah je lah?

Unstructured betul.

I mean what I asked them tak der lah bombastik mana pon, I asked because I didn't know, betul tak.

Sakit hati ok! I mean he admitted it, yg the rest of the panels cakap I'm a good candidate!! Abis tuuu, what's the fricking problem?!?!?

Wah wah wah, gila mengamok ok.

Ye lah, sapa tak mengamok, just because I posed a managerial trait, diorg dah gelabah. Pastu tanak hire me.

Tell me lah, company mana yang tanak employees dia menyerlah. Company ni macam nak orang yang jenis kepala-angguk jee. Diorg nak yes-sir man je ke??

Apa takut aku nanti masuk fast-track then terus jadi boss diorg ke??

I have proved myself that I can conduct myself well, I know my subject matter, I am confident, I can communicate, I'm professional and I can retain self-control under pressure.


p/s: This is a HUGE GLC company.

p/ss: Oh, I'm now in the recommended list btw and I shall hear from the HR in 3 months. Tapi takut jugak babe, anything can happen kan! PLEASE DOA KAN UNTUK SAYA. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE :(


  1. dont worry, everything will be fine. :)

  2. weee...mmg mcm tu la.
    i pun pnh experienced this kind of thing. padahal i tanye saje suke2 je. soalan pun very general. kalo dorg jwb slh pn i dont even know kan.

    xpe..if rezeki x kemana kan..
    gud luck yaw.. :)

  3. *1st time komen sini*

    aku pun dulu time mula2 habis study, kalau pegi interview aku diam jek.

    sekali bila dah failed berpuluh2 interview, baru aku jadi berani. the last interview i went, memang aku 'jual minyak' gila2 dan buat 2-way communication. dan aku di-hired!

    so amat rugilah kiranya kalau company tu tak hire ko. kan?

  4. from your story i think they are stupid if they don't hire you alia....
    secara logik org mesti la nak candidate yg proactive..tanya soalan...curious semua tuh...
    so i am very positive that you'll be hired !!

  5. salah sorang yg interview ko tuh kompem bos
    akuh...wahahahahaha....tapi memamng betul pun they didn't ask a lot of questions.

    kalo tanyak banyak..most probably x dapat...hehehe

  6. pelik jugak co. yg jenis tak boleh ditanya..

    akak doakan alia dpt post tu

  7. alia,
    i hate gi interview..haha...!!!:D..x suka arrr.......

  8. I say it's their loss kalau tak hire candidate macam kau.

    Buat aku nebes lak nak cari kerja bila balik kang. Taktau nak jadi active ke, nak jadi passive bila kena interview.

  9. comform, dapat. Hee. :)

    Akan ku includemu dalam doaku.. ku.. ku..


  10. beb, if they're not hiring u because u ask questions, diaorang la rugi. org dah ada management experience cepat tangkap, rather than yg fresh, betul x?

    MUR: adakah memang mcm tu interview kat sana? so kita x leh speak up ke? huhu


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)