Monday, January 4, 2010

Alia is preparing, believe it or not!

Less than 24 hours before the interview...

Alia is busy doing her homework by researching and trying to fricking understand the economy-specific jargons.

Her necessities?

A pen, a notepad and an iPod.

A fricking iPod, say whaaaa-?

Who the hell uses an iPod to study (especially when you can clearly see the keyboard of a laptop there!)??!

Gila apa budak ni...dasar riak takbur kah??

No no...

Little did you know...she has a different agenda with her laptop....

Untuk bermain game!

Sambil belajar. Sungguh multitasking bukan??

Har har har.


Ok, saya mahu sambung bermain...err, I mean belajar...err I mean tidur. Yes, saya mahu tidur. WISH ME LUCK EVERYBODI.

Nanti saya kasi ciuman virtual. Wink wink wink.
Haha, gila kodokmu Alia, apa kau ingat kau celebriti terkini?


  1. ok

    alis genius.

    tak cakap kang ko sumpah aku plak. wawawa! larikkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!

  2. bahahahaha. belasah la.

    well alia, i ada pinjam ayat yu yg sgt inspiring me. bgtaw awal2 kang takot kena marah plagiat ayat org. =)

  3. macam kenal la the organizer tu..hehehe

  4. hahaha, that is the art of studying, cukup smua ipod, laptop, hehe. :D


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)