Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Anak tak kenang budi?

This morning (morning yek? bangun pun pukul 2 petang, kah kah kah) I was blog hopping, sampailah ke blog Peeja (chewah, bunyi macam tak pernah visit). She was talking about kenapa anak-anak sanggup hantar mak bapak ke rumah orang tua..sedih lah.

I mean kalau kau mampu nak bayar ribu-raban untuk fees, kenapa tak sanggup nak jaga? At least duit fees tu kau boleh upah maid suruh jaga kalau tak mampu/tak sanggup nak jaga sendiri. They're old, they need some comfort and I know sometimes orang-orang tua ni can be ridiculously bermulut laser, but they're still your mak dan bapak/atok dan nenek ye tak? Because of them lah you exist.

Sampai hati nak tolak diorang tepi sebab you don't have the guts (yes, GUTS) to take care of them like how they took care of you.

I might not be a very very super good daughter yang stok kalau makcik-makcik tengok terus "wahh, inilah pilihan aunty untuk jadi menantu!" type. Sure, I don't cook, I don't clean, bangun pon bila matahari dah tinggi, sometimes I help in the kitchen, tapi mostly aku just duduk with my legs popped up. But at least I have the decency to acknowledge THEIR deeds (bukan deed harta ok) and kasih sayang and that is more than enough to make me not to put them in retirement homes. Of course lah my decision is driven by my love towards them.

Sanggup ada anak-anak hantar mak bapak away?

Well I hope YOUR kids will do the same to you. Monkeys see monkeys do.

Anyhow, setelah bersedih-sedih mengenangkan kisah ibu bapa terbiar itu, I found this's from a movie lah, I know some of you dah tengok, but I haven't...

so...enjoyyyy (wah, tetiba jadi mcm Melodi)

Hahahaha...bunguk gila...tak pe lah, kita tak perlu berduka 24/7 kan, hidup mesti kena gelakkk kan? KAN? KANN???

p/s: Entry ni terhenti seketika sewaktu I was typing it, sebab package online shopping saya dah sampai!!! I shall update more on that!


  1. GuD topic ally....
    keep on d gud work.... (",)

  2. haha..aku x suke video tu..
    rasa pernah dah lupa..
    so ni tgk balik..masih lawak..haha buduh..

  3. Dj Red,
    Thanks! Are you red from Nilai? Ke aku dah silap orang..haha..

    Hahaha!! Kelakar ahh, memula mcm sedih, tpi last last mcm cinabengggg lawakk. Hahaha...


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)