Friday, August 28, 2009

Marriage? No? Yes?

So yesterday selepas membeli cincin dan barang-barang lain, I jokingly asked him,

"when are you gonna marry me?" sambil buat muka sedih, toya gilos. Kenkunun comel la.

And he replied,

"Excuse me, when are YOU going to marry me!?"

PANG! Terasa kehebatan panglima tapak tangan di pipi. I mean he proposed me dah lama dah (hehe), and he still proposes bila angin romantika dia masuk, but I'm just..I dunno lah, not ready ah? Tapi kalau nak cakap not ready, tipu sangat lah kot sebab kegatalan dah membuak-buak..haha..I guess it's just it takes too much to get married.

Percintaan dua continents ni amat payah. Our families are separated, kan senang kalau duduk satu negara je.

And wedding's ceremony nak kena buat 2, I know lah kat Malaysia pon ada 2, satu kat bride's place satu kat groom's, but your distance isn't as much as 2 NEGARA!! Johor ke Perlis mcm sejengkal je (chey, berlagak betul si Alia ni haha).

And if you take this into account, tiket kapal terbang pergi balik untuk dua orang pon dah boleh kaver satu majlis resepsi. So if I were to buat a wedding reception, imagine I have to bayar triple!!! (cause kena buat 2 receptions; here and there and plus harga tiket kapal terbang pergi balik!!)

Matilerrrrrr duit hangus.

Plus, I don't believe in spending a huge amount of money just for a day (or two) punya ceremony. I can use that money to invest in OUR future together.

So kalau aku dah balik Malaysia dan nikah depan tok kadi witnessed by my CLOSE family members sahaja, jangan terkejut, because that's just me BEING WISE AND CLEVER.

It's MY wedding kan, apasal orang lain pulak nak kecoh tanya kenapa tak buat majlis.

Anyway, enough about post yang beremosi, lets feast our eyes!!!

....with more pictures of me!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAH..

What? You just cannot waste a perfect hair-do, you just HAVE to capture the moments sebab tak semestinya rambut aku akan lawa 24/7 kan!

Hai. I is Alia. And I has black hair. WEEE!

Kah kah kah.

Oklah, he was working but I was bored!!

Har har har! Muka smug gila! Poyonya si lelaki ituuuuuuuuuuu

He didn't want me to put this picture up because of his smug face, but lantak la nokk, it's my blog and I'm not trying to impress anyone hence the ridiculousness of the picture(s)!


Kenkonon buat muka inesen tu boleh contradict the smug face la yeee pakcik??

Cintan cintan sejatiiiiii

Hahahaha...sila muntah.

Gilos apa si perempuan ni

Memang sah dahhhh!!

Muka monyet cacat!!

hahahaa....boring yek tengok muka aku? Tak kisah laaa nanananananana...haha....bagi pelempang sattt


  1. alaahhh...tak kisah pasal majlis besar2an tuh..kang buat majlis besar2 bagai nak rak..kawin sthn dah cerai pun apa cerita kan?yg penting dah nikah...benda tu yg wajib apa..bukan kenduri..

  2. Shasha,
    A ah! Tu la kan, buat majlis besar besar, mahal mahal pastu ceraii wahh, ruginyaaaaaa. Tak pe tak pe, I've already discussed it with my family, nak nikah je, reception tu nanti nanti fikir. Hahaha...efisyen tak!! Hahah

    Tengok dlm gambar je boleh? Hahahahaha....Jadi la kan!! Hahahaha

  3. comel nokkkkk!

    aku pun tetunggu-tunggu bila la budak sorang ni nak kawen

  4. Alia, kau tak jemput aku pon takpe, tapi buat lah blog invitation ke apa kan. Virtually pon ok apa. Lepas tu update pics manyak2. Boleh jugak aku merasa tengok kau kawin nanti. HEHEHE.


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)