Friday, December 7, 2012

Spam ialah

p/s: I know I've been slacking but please bear with me. I will try my best to update. Huh, macam commitment pulak.

p/ss: I don't like my job

p/sss: Rasa macam nak makan steak medium rare 3kg la (huh, dasar pelahap!)

p/ssss: Yes medium rare, I like it pink in the middle with red juices oozing from the meat. Sluuurrrrpp boleh jilat pinggan. (dasar pelahap talking)

p/sssss: Saya dah removed spam comments and enabled word verification. Sapa yang tak suka word verification tu padan muka. Muahahaha *ketawa ebil*

Okok, jangan la marah kak, nah, sila tengok gambar saya sebagai penyeri hidup anda.


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