Monday, December 17, 2012

Persoalan terjawab (LOL Tajuk tak boleh blah)

Kerie is my anak ayam.
*Kenyataan berani mati oleh seorang mak hayam*

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHSHASSDFGHJK I am laughing so hard because I know I'm dead LOLOLOLOL

Okok jokes aside.

Apa la korang ni, curious sangat haaaaaa.
So anyway, I told Kerie that there are some people asking who he is, and pakcik tu tetiba diselubungi oleh satu perasaan riak pulak. 

Eh eh.

So I asked him, what should I address him as?
I had this superbly awesome idea that I was gonna introduce him as my boyfriend and laugh my ass off when comments keep on popping on FB and on Blogger..tapi sebenarnya aku ni bajet je diva, nobody will even caree pon!

Yes I know, I'm a prima donna.

Lepas tu aku kena marah dengan Kerie cause he said aku ni suka buat drama Tagalog.

Whateveeeerrrrrrrrrrrr. I'm very easy in amusing myself!

Anyway, after tons of pleases', this is Kerie! (well, this is HIS version of himself -- which is even better than my version of him haha, aku lukis bulat bulat je)

Tapi since I'm a very persuasive person, this is a real-life version of Kerie:

Which I seriously think he just woke up in this picture. Hoi tak boleh ke kau bagi gambar hensem sikit? LOLOL

Anyway, this is his blog entry on how all these started. Aku ni pemalas nak cerita dari awal. Sedar sedar dah ada muka dia. haha.

p/s: If you're interested, please drop me a private message. I can tell more about him. LOL

Damn tetiba aku rasa macam matchmaker website. LOLOLOLOLOL


p/ss: Wani, yes, it's K. Aku lupa nama glemer dia "K". Haha


  1. alia,

    i'm single..
    just to let u know.hahahahahha

  2. violetless:

    WAhahahaahahahah!!! Aku sokaaa sokaaa!! Aku pon tetiba single jugak la..ada tak kenalan yg nak berkawan dengan perempuan saikosis mcm aku ni?


    Anyway, Kerie, cepat lah reply!

  3. Eh budak ni ada kecacatan yg cantik..which is-lesung pipit, kan?

    Saja nk panggil budak.. Sbb walau pon ahkak ni bujang xmcm si alia (eh)... I must admit yg ensem dik, ada sket2 mcm rupa don bila dia dh 30thn dok mesia nnti (sbb malaysia is hot n humid, haha motippp..!?)

  4. Alia, i pun single mingle!! Hahaha

  5. ka kerie...hahahaha....nak bagi kad..tapiiii..i nak kawen!

  6. "adakah selepas ini inchey khairie masih sudi keluar lunch dengan saya?" tanya cik driedroses sambil dengan sengaja mengerdip-ngerdipkan matanya.

    matiklah kena bunuh dengan khairie rahman nanti! :p

  7. yes! tepat sekali! dapat hadiah tak?? *wink 2-3 kali*

    zomg k, ini katanya xde gf.. peminat ramai, ok!! hihi


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)