Friday, October 15, 2010

Iklan radio yang amat annoying

Haha....ok random drawing, but I just couldn't stop rolling my eyes bila aku dengar iklan ni kat radio!!!

I mean WHAT THE HELLLLLLLL, sooo fricking annoying!!


  1. oh babe. i knowwww this ad.

    tang saya BB tu mmg annoying
    pastu suara halus mcm kucing.

    tp iklan radio KFC terbaek. 10 kali dgr, 15 kali gelak. hahaha

  2. exactly how i imagine the situation is. minus the shooting part pf course :P

  3. agency yg buat tu pun cam gampang la kasi idea bangang mcm ni.. hahahaa

  4. weh! u wearing purple today ehh (15th OCt)?? mkn kt food court 3rd floor??

  5. Anonymous,
    A ah! That was me!! Ehhh, ngeri pulok rasanya...hahahahaha...kenapa tak tegur!

  6. tu lah alia, akak pun meluat gile ngan iklan BBBB tu..serius menyampah..ntah hape2 okeh!

  7. hahahha. aku mcm konpius. sbb tgk gmbr lam blog ermm...... skali jmpe kt luar, not that huge pon. propa je lebih. heheheh.

  8. fyi:
    icon BB tuh bentuk dia macham nombor 8 warna merah.. brr.. brr.. brr..

    anyways, suara si BB tu memang cam gampang.. har har har

  9. i x dgr agi...
    beginilah nasib budak sekolah...
    nktgk tv,dgr radio kene catu...

  10. hahaha...standard aa iklan gomen..tapi broadband kan periuk nasi kita.muahahahaha

  11. hahahaha tp kalau dengar iklan kfc lagi la.die nye tahap tak lojik sampai rasa nak hantuk2 kepala ok.

    tertekan aku

  12. errr org x masak bahulu dalam periuk besar atas api kacau2 camtu kot...

    drawing yg amat annoying. haha!! ok tak tak jgn lempang saya..

  13. lama tak datang sini. i read most of your past entries, demmm.. pas satu, satu.. kau ni susahkan aku tau. dah jangan nangis, pergi ikat rambut.

    but, haha, i love the entry Malaysian men only want supermodels, kah kah kah kah, nasib baik aku dah konpem siap siap yang ala ala supermodel.

    tapi nok, ko ingat yang muka supermodel tu perfect ke? ada tu, badan bau busuk sial. Kalau ala ala main mata dari jauh, debab debuk jantung, sampai dekat, jantung semua gugur. har har har.

    wei you went to vegas and buy me nothing? i thought you said we have something in common that is our waist measurement???? ini sungguh tak adil, mengapa kekanda dapat semua harta ayahanda dan adinda dapat sedikit sahaja?

    sheronok gendut tengok muka berpoya poya kat vegas kan.. setan tau.

    p/s: ok, fridge magnet for me. tengkiu, see im dancing gendut gendut, see see... seeee laahh..

  14. Haha.nasib baik aku tak rasa annoying..dah lah iklan tu kerap sgt..

  15. nickname in school was doraemon and actually it still remain the!
    so i can annoy people all night long singing that ad!haha...

    owh, i think apa yang anon cakap tu btol..
    in real life i think we're not that big as pictures add extra some weight to us, plus with the flash on..
    i think that's a fact i read from some mag.. ;)

  16. i wonder whose idea was behind the crappy radio commercial..yeah, IT SUX!


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)