Sunday, April 11, 2010

You just can't stop being such an annoying nuisance can you?

I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Pagi pagi lagi dah nak menaga, semuanya tak kena.

Except for my gorgeous hair yang berbau wangi sebab I gave it a treatment last night. Yum.

But yeah, aku sampai office, perkara pertama yang perlu di buat ialah bukak Facebook sebab pukul 8:30 diorg dah start block. Crap I am such a loser.

Tengah aku syiok syiok senyum senyum ayu (pernah ke aku senyum ayu?), tetiba lah pulak dia annoying bich ni msg.

I guess it wouldn't be such an issue here kalau dia message sekadar nak bertanyakan khabar, ataupon nak kill the time, or AT LEAST greet me with a simple hello ke assalamualaikum ke apa.

Ni tak, masuk masuk msg je terus ayat sampah.

Yer I know I have an ugly profile pic, tapi who are YOU to judge others kalau muka kau pon macam taik?

Yes I admit it, memang gambar tu hodoh gila, I even made it as a public laughing stock, but I DO have the rights to do so, sebab itu MY picture, not yours, MINE.

Regardless of what I do, aku nak gelak guling guling sampai mati ke, aku nak kutuk habis habisan ke, that person in THAT picture is STILL me and I STILL LOVE MYSELF and I personally think I'm hotstuff.

Now YOU on the other hand...sure you can gelak with me, you can kutuk with me, but pada-pada lah. Aku pon tak kutuk habis habisan, kenapa kau pulak yang melebih-lebih? Pernah belajar macam mana nak berinteraksi ke tak?

Oh wait, nvm, don't answer that.

And can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop being such a lalang? Kejap cakap lain.

I mean, what makes you think your second verdict will change the impact of your first? You can't undo what you've said.

You've already made yourself to look like an asshole, you can't turn around and fix it.

But you know what you can do to make yourself look LESS pathetic? Get some testicular fortitude to stand by your points, no matter how harsh they are.

Anyways, thank you Ezie for calming this storm down, nasib baik kau paksa aku jgn reply kat minah tu..kalau tak, memang akan berlaku perang dunia ke3.


  1. macam2 peel orang ni kan.pelik2 belaka. yang heran tu dah masok 'rumah' orang cakap le benda yang elok, betol tak. bosan dengan orang macam tu. eh..patot ke dipanggil orang? hehehhe.. have a nice day alia.. jangan tensen2 nanti rambut cepat tak wangi. penat je buat treatment nanti. hehhee.. peace!

  2. Saya,
    Tu la kan, dah masuk turf orang, kenapa mau hanjingkan lagi ye takkk, kang aku sumbat longkang dlm mulut ituueeeewww baru tau! Hahahah!!!

    Rambut dah tak wangi dah :( Tadi masuk cafe terus bau kepam. Haha..benci btol


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)