Thursday, July 9, 2009

Alia 2.0

Semenjak-menjak ni, I've been so lazy to update lah, tambahan pulak ada manusia dogol yang suka mendengki kan, lagi la aku malas. My semangat to retaliate sudah hilang, I mean bukan apa, buat rugi masa je kan nak fikir comebacks, baik aku main game. Haha.

Tapi if you think about it kan, orang-orang tu sebenarnya jealous akan life aku yang sungguh perfect ini. I'm not just saying this because "jealousy" is the standard answer, well, it is...because it's so true! I mean why would you want to talk bad about others if you don't envy them right? THE SOLE reason why you even TALK about them (regardless la bad or not) is because you want to be like them/you want to have the things that they have.


Orang-orang kita ni memang suka mengutuk kan? And they hide their asses behind anonymity. Why? Are you afraid of confrontations? How much of a coward can you be lah?

Moving on.....Oh, Mommy Miller went to Florida last Monday and expecting to be back this Sun. It wasn't a planned itinerary for Don and I, sebab it was a business trip. So Don still has to work sebab tu tak boleh ikut sama :(

Tinggal lah the 3 of us. Hari-hari jugak Don becomes my chef (bukan selama ni dia yang masak ke?). Yea well he loves cooking, I even asked him if he was given the opportunity to be enrolled into culinary school, he would. Betul betul sanggup wah.

He is the only male that I know yang betul betul suka memasak. Lelaki lelaki lain...blegh, jangan harap la, masuk dapur mengharap makanan terhidang saja (eh, am I talking about myself here? Haha!).

This Sat pulak, Melody and Wayne will be having a pool party (using our pool - wah, sejak bila jadi aku punya pool ah? haha). It's not gonna be fun if the kids aren't there..the kids meaning Ashley and the whole trailer lah (she has 6 more siblings under her).

Oh well.

Oh I revolutionized my blog theme sebab aku sudah bosan with the old one..haha. It took me the whole siang to curi and amend ok. Apa ingat senang ke nak mencuri? Haha..I'm very the picky tau, I wanted a white background with less graphics, very the minimalist. I already have the picture that Don doctored, so all I needed was a clean nice blog.

Sungguh temper kalau blog tak jadi.

Oh kalau I lost your URL, silalah comment sebab all those URLs tepi tu pon aku based on your comments. Despite the name and the machoness of this blog, I don't have a super bionic robotic memory..haha, so tanpa segan silu, silalah comment with your URL ya! (haha, apakah tak welcomingnya ayat?!).

kk tak tak.

Silalah ya? You know I spend my days reading other peoples blogs, my presence gives you income lagipon kan!!

Haha..sah I need to learn the act of persuasion.

Ok lah, nanti nanti I'll continue, tetiba kemalasan melanda.


  1. nice layout.. aku suke blog simple. cepat je bila loading :)

  2. hi alia,

    Keep on writing reading ur blog.

  3. Iz: Ya! I like simple stuff, rimas tau byk byk benda ni. I'm a simpleton...Forrest Gump..(haha, apakah tetiba Forrest Gump). Loading cepat lagi best, tak payah bazir masa tunggu website load...sebab masa itu akan di bazirkan membaca entry yang mcm ntah apa apa. Hahaha!

    Zie: Hai Zie! Thanks! Sila la datang lagi! I don't generate income pon..hahaha itu pon aku nak kasitau kan..hahaha!

  4. pedulikkan all those hati busok. keep on kenot weit :)

  5. wah..masuk2 terus terkejut sebab dah lain..nice~!

  6. Lambat 10 minit eh nak comment bab ni. Lalz.

    Yes! Aku agree, rejection is painful tapi kita sendiri tak sampai hati nak rejek orang!!! Kan! So takperlah, kau reject aku dulu pon aku yerkan saje lah. Terima kasih like that.

    Seriously, gua dah serik. Serikkk se-serik manusia dgn jantan2 mcm gini. Ntahlah, aku flirt salah channel agaknya lah! Frequency terus kelaut. T_T


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)