Monday, June 22, 2009

Gemok, Hitam dan Hodoh.

Oleh di sebabkan aku baru baca blog Peeja dan latest entry dia memang amat menarik kalbu, maka terpaksalah aku pon buat entry yang sama sebelum aku membuat karangan bahasa Melayu kat dlm comment box dia...haha.

Tapi point point aku semuanya dah dicakap oleh Peej, so macam tak der idea apa nak tulis, baik baca blog dia je kan. Hahahahah.

Aku masa kecik memang kurus, kaki macam batang lidi, memang tak seksi langsung ah! (apa motif nak seksi-seksi masa kecik?? Hahaha..). Bila aku tengok gambar lama-lama especially gambar sekolah, mesti aku fikir "ya rabbi..aku ke tu, kurusnya!!" eh, tetiba macam lari point kan..nak cakap masa kecik dulu aku kurus sangat sampai tak der shape, tapi tetiba teruja sebab dah lama tak nampak diri sendiri double-chinless..haha.

Ok la, tapi masa kecik aku mmg kurus noookk, apa kau ingat mak gajah ni lahir lahir je mmg naturally gemok ke??! haha..tak tentu pasal korang kena pulak..sorri...hehe.

Anyway, kurus, pastu hitam, gigi jongang, mmg buruk habis lah.

Family aku ni mmg dasar cakap lepas je, bab-bab kutuk sesama sendiri ni mmg masing-masing laju je, laser gila ok semua orang!! So mmg dari kecik la aku dah kena kutukan bertubi-tubi..kalau tak pasal kaki keding aku, kehitaman aku, atau gigi jongang. Aunty aku siap dedicate lagu utk aku lagi okkk..
"Alia *****n, Alia anak keling"
(middle name aku terpaksa di rahsiakan..hahaha)

Celaka gila kan!! hahahahahah

Tapi tak pe, mmg telinga ni dah kematu dengar..aku tak kisah dah, ala bisa tegal biasa kan!! Hahah

Then satu hari tu, aku siap berikrar depan family aku, cakap: "Alia nak putihkan diri, sebab tu Alia rela jadi gemok supaya kulit boleh stretch so jadi putih!!"

hahaha, jgn tanya, I was still a kid, pemikiran kontot.

Skali ha kaauuu, amikk, kegemokkan datang bertubi-tubi..hahaha (padahal mmg dasar buruk lantak..saja je nak kasi efek dramatik..hahaah)

Bukan saja aku melalui zaman kenaikkan berat badan, tapi aku nak fix gigi jongang aku jugak! Ye ah, hodoh gila rupa, bila senyum boleh nampak gigi depan I had my braces. Oh, experience pakai braces tu jgn la tanya..mmg penuh dengan cobaan dan duri-duri!!(haha, ayat!).

Tak cukup dengan dedicated lagu, family aku panggil aku gigi jaws pulak.

ye ah, sebab mulut penuh braces kan!

Tapi aku tak kisah, sebab bunyi mcm ganas...Alia Gigi Jaws...hahahahaha..gilos apa aku ni..

I don't care about my family panggil aku macam-macam, sebab aku pon suka kutuk kutuk diorg jugk..haha, and plus, they're family la kan, mmg rapat, so apa diorg cakap mcm masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan..hahaha

Tapi aku mmg panas membara bila kawan-kawan atau strangers start mentioning about my appearance. Not that I'm saying ada kawan kawan aku yg mulut laser, tapi ada strangers yg mcm celaka.

Aku tak ingat sangat lah kalau ada rerakan sekolah aku yg kutuk depan atau belakang aku, maybe sebab I blocked that painful memory kot (wahh, painful memory kauuu, hahaha).

But I've been called Hitam and Gemok by total strangers.

Macam fucker tak? Yaa, mmg life story aku sedih.....wahaha, tetiba nak mintak simpati kan..hahaha

Oh, ada satu lagi episod sadis coming from my brother's friend (stranger to me la).

Masa tu I was using my brother's computer for a bit, then that douchebag msgd my brother's MSN, thinking that I was my brother la kan, and I said "This is Z***'s big sister", and hoping it was it je la kan. Dah aku kasitau yang it wasn't my brother yg tengah guna pc tu, dah ah, apa lagi kau nak. No replies required. Then si budak had the guts to ask me"sister dia yg gemok ke yg kurus?"

Macam cilanat gila tak!!

Sah-sah la aku yg gemok sebab yg sorang lagi tu kurus!! Tapi perlu ke kau nak tanya yg mana satu!? Ada logic ke soalan tu??

Kalau aku jawab "yang gemok", then what?? Kau nak kasi aku hadiah?? Apa motif kau tanya soalan mcm tu?? Ada aku tanya dia "ni kawan Z*** yang hitam slalu failed dlm exam tu ke yang putih?"

Wahahah..apa kes tetiba nak bring up bab budak tu fail exam kan...hahah. Sori, ini adalah period talking. Sebab tu emo lebih.

Parents budak tu tak pandai ajar anak jadi sopan sikit ke. Cara-cara nak communicate dengan orang, tak de la main libas je mulut. Jentik ah mulut tu sikit. Haha..tetiba aku nak marah parents dia..tak tentu pasal kan..haha

Anyway, tapi mmg time time skolah dulu, aku tak der bf, kesian, kalau minat org pon, dlm diam sudah, sah-sah org tu takkan minat aku balik. Tak payah nak kecoh-kecoh bisik bisik kat rerakan pompuan yg lain, takut takut laki tu tetiba cakap kat aku "I heard that you minat kat I...tak pe la beb, I tak minat perempuan gemok".. haha.

Eh betul apa, I would rather not hear being rejected. Lagi rendah self esteem ok.

My friends pulak semua lawa-lawa. Ada je secret admirers la, tukar-tukar phone number la, ICQ numebr ah (dulu kan femes ICQ ni..haha). Tipu la kan kalau aku cakap aku tak jeles, ada time time jugak aku terasa tersisih. Tp apa nak buatttt, diri dah tak lawa, takkan nak gedik gedik pulak kannn.

I have accepted the fact that I'm not attractive. No hal.

Aku rasa kalau aku ada bf time skolah dulu, mmg semua org akan terkejut. Tetiba Alia si tomboy hitam gemok gigi jaws tu ada bf kan. Aku pon sure terkejut jugak kot..Hhaahaha

Nowadays, bukan aku nak cakap aku dah cantik ke lawa (mmg takkan la kan, hanya dlm mimpi), tapi bila org tanya aku pasal Don, aku macam agak terasa la..I mean bukan tanya mcm how is Don ke apa je, tanya soalan mcm:
"Mcm mana u pancing Don tu???"

Oh, sungguh terasa menyucuk-nyucuk ok. As if I'm not good enough to deserve him. But don't get me wrong la, I'm not trying to be biased, nanti korang baca cakap "eh, apa best sgt Don tu..", I'm just making a point that slalunya org tak expect I'd get a partner. Ada pahemmmm??

People can be so cruel.

Oh, mcm dah lari topik gemok la pulakk..haha

Anywya, back to topic gemok dan kurus..haha..being in Malaysia makes me feel soooooooooooo fat and I'm not even kidding about it. Most of the people in Malaysia kurus-kurus, I don't really care la about that, sebab kat mana-mana mmg akan ada org kurus kan, tapi kalau shopping baju pon buat aku tensi mcm mana??

I get it that the market for bigger sized clothes tak bnyk (kot), but there ARE PEOPLE yg need bigger size ok!! Kalau aku shopping baju..omg...menyampah ok, buat aku lagi hilang self-esteem. Baju baju yang aku minat selalunya tak de size.

Size XL pon mcm size M apasal?! XL utk budak budak ke cilanattttttttttsss??

I'm always stuck with makcik designed clothes. Tolong lah, kalau nak design baju for plus size pon, pls pls pls don't make the pattern melintang. Kau belajar illusion design tak??!! And pls pls pls produce more varieties.

I so annoyed at Malaysia because of this. Some of you might think "alah, pasal baju je pon nak annoyed kat negara sendiri, sungguh gedik". Cuba kau duduk kat negara yg always makes you feel less confident and surrounded by manusia yg mulut celupar gila babi THEN YOU'D PROBABLY KNOW HOW I FEEL!!!!!!!!

(wah, apa motip letak gambar middle finger berapi-api? Api tu menunjukkan mmg aku tengah marah gila ah niiiiiiiii..hahaha)


  1. tu la..slalu tensen jgk..

    dh la takde size... lepas tu bila kita mintak kt salesgirls tu die mcm pandang atas bwh...

    hei tolong big size pn nk jgk melawa kn....

    mcm la kita ni takde duit.....

    but if i ada duit lebih..mmg i teringin nk gi obersea sopping sana dgn gumbira...ehehehe

  2. babe, adibah noor big size jugak..tapi aku tgk dia lawa je...satu kelebihan org yg big size ni..dorang tak makan dek umo tau...nampak muda je...

  3. alia, ko gemok, tp ko sweet r. mn de hodoh. serius weyh, ko mmg sweet. aku x tipu.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. alia weh... usah la ko merana berduak nestapa... *tengs sebab bawak n3 nih n buat aku baca n sedikit sebak...

    aku soka ko ngan don, aku siap doa biar laa ko sampai hujung nyawa ngan si dondon itu. apakah bodek? tak la.. aku serius nih..pahitnya disini..tak ramai org kita nih yg bleh terima diri mereka yg xxl and above nih..

    even masa kat skolah, aku tak laa nmpak gemuk, tapi sebab aku tinggi (1.66m) so sket gempal la adat laa..

    ada budak minat kat aku, sekali sepupu aku sendri ckp: "zack, ko nak dia nih zack? besar tuh weh.." terkejut n terhiba aku sebentar..

    Allah tuh Maha Tahu; 3thn lpas tuh dia kawen, time kawen, bini dia mmg laa kurus, lawa... sekali dah 3thn, anak baru sorang.. wife dia jadik 1.5 aku oke...

    ha.. mulut tuh sila laa puaka lagi.. tuh aku tak doa apa2 tuh.. nasib baik.

  6. hay babe..i always being the reader of ur blog.ur funny to the bone.:)

  7. apa yg kau rasa semua aku rasa..cuma dlm entry tu aku xnak cerita pasal aku kan..sebab aku nak cerita aku menyampah org kurus yg kecoh2 gemuk..rimasss..

    xpe..sekarang kau bahagia n jumpa org yg terima kau mcm mana..ada nak kenalkan aku kat siapa2.??

    bawak banyak bersabar yea..sebab aku tau kau marah betul tu..siap middle finger berapi kau bagi..haha..tergelak aku tgk gambar tu tau..

  8. hmm i pnah tulis entry psl gemuk2 ni.. bebudak batch suke ejek gemuk2 la..then perli2...sikit2 tu boleh tahan la kan.. tp bile asyik jumpe je nk kutuk perli2...
    masalahnye dorg yg nk perli tu.. size pun ala2 i jugak.cume kecik sikit jeeeeee vavi tak???
    hmm pastu i buat kesimpulan sendiri.. yg boys ni kutuk2 i gemuk la xmuat pintu la sbb dorrg pun self esteem low jugak..sbb dorg pun gemuk.. instead takut org mengate dorg tu gemuk.. dorg mencarikla sasaran mengutuk..
    siot and very the vavi tau

    now.. everytime dorg bukak cite psl gemuk.. i balas balik with all my heart.sampai dorg terdiam.. tak boleh berdiam je..lg dorg suke buat tau.. so right now kalau dlm ramai2 tgh borak2 n berkumpul...they start picking on me.. ha i pun mule balas balik dgn kuat2..
    br padan mukaa all the vavisssss

  9. tu yg buat aku rasa cam nak migrate ke nigeria tu. kat sana jer org appreciate org gumuks. hehehe

  10. dah la tu.. bila badan gemuk sket ni mula la bila pi kedai asyik la kena panggil makcik..
    waaaa.. aku muda lagi la..
    tak kawen lagi..
    suka jati kau je kan..
    panggil 'kak' je sudah la..
    eeii tak suka tau..

    pasal tu jugak la memang tak suka nak masuk kedai2 baju yang ada kat negara tercinta kita ni..
    dari pintu lagi si salesgirl tu dah pandang semacam je macam eh size ko ktorang takde jual kat sini ya.sila la keluar tak payah susah2 nak masuk sini.. pastu pandang atas bawah macam nak ukur2 badan ni.. ish.. ish..

    ni yang berazam nak kumpul duit and nak pergi oversea ni..
    nak shopping banyak2 baju then bawak balik sini pakai lawa2..hiyaaaahh..

    kalo tak pun nak cari orang macam dondon jugak la.. boleh bawak pi sana dan shopping banyak2..hohoho..

  11. ha'ah kat mesia nih mmng centu..
    nak2 plak biler lepas bersalin anak sorang badan sudah naik..
    1st day masok kejer.. menanah tinga..

    yg tak tahan tu .. org yg komplen kita tu pon takde la langsing mana pon..

    bagi aku kan..
    kecantikan tu sangat2 subjektif..

    dan ko mmng suwit dik..
    ko jgn risau..
    baik ko layan blues ngan bang don ko jer.. dulikkan yg lain..

  12. i sukaaaaaaaa gambar middle finger berapi tu, hahahaha...

  13. GemOk!!?? It runs in the family kayy... kalau alia gemuk, uda apa? gedempol? opah laks? gedompol....acu?? chubbyyyy....hahahahaha... dah gene kita gene 'SIHAT WALAFIAT'.. terima je la yerkkk...

  14. babe i am XS and i also cannot get clothes... all the baju jatuh and i have to tailor and make them smaller ok... and orang-orang malaysia yang busuk hati ni semua selalu kata kat i "you shopping kat kedai kanak2 ke" or some other joke like how i must never eat (when i eat 4 times a day) and how i will disappear and get blown away by the wind.

    diorang ingat kita nak ke jadik camni har? i am trying so hard to put on 5kg at least and i CANT. sheesh.

    so best thing is to just ignore. biar la...


  15. why are fat people always defensive like what youre doing right now. its your goddamn fault you're fat, or at least you can blame it on your idiot parents for stuffing you with shit load of food. if people wanna label you as a fat fuck, they deserve to. as well as you, you deserved to be called fat fuck.. bongok. "its okay to be fat" "i love my self"
    "ii accept me as i am" bla bla bla.... dah la... banyak la ko excuse. kitorang ko bole tipu. cube la tipu diri sendiri. as fr the baju thing, padan muka hang la.. dah gemok tu, pi la shopping kat BIG. mongok.

    kalau buruk tu at least perangai n mulut tu elok la sket, ni ranting on your blog using 3rd world mentality just to show the world that youre a fat fuck and youre damn ugly on the inside as well..

    congratulations, asshole

  16. You're a fucking moron. Maybe you didn't read the post? Here's an idea, go outside of your house, stand in the road, and shoot yourself in the fucking head so you can't procreate. I find it ironic that a post of someone talking about themselves, accepting their flaws has some nut bag tripe like yourself rolling around talking shit about them and then finishing with an insult calling them asshole. YOU. ARE. FUCKING. STUPID.

    I would've never thought someone as stupid as you could exist outside of my own country, but boy have you proven me wrong. Here's a tip: Don't open your stupid mouth when you can't even show your ugly face. I find it funny that you post anonymously calling someone fat and ugly, something that I never find pretty people doing. I can only begin to imagine how grossly thin, and unattractive you must be, straight black hair, dull brown eyes, horrible complexion and top it all off with zero ass, and tiny tits, WOW I bet you get all the guys. ROFL seriously I have to stop because you've already made yourself look completely stupid, and it doesn't matter if I don't know who you are, I know that you exist.

    The funny part about all this is you'll always be that way: Ugly. inside and out, forever, and unable to accept it.

    Oh by the way, as you can tell, I'm Don, I've shown you my face, it's all over this fucking blog, got any witty shit to say about me? Maybe your next post won't be full of cowardly "hey I'm anonymous" pussy shit rofl. Faggot.

  17. Oh wow, anonymous, you're an idiot. At WHAT point that my post got you so butt hurt?

    "its okay to be fat" "i love my self"
    "ii accept me as i am" bla bla bla.... dah la... banyak la ko excuse. kitorang ko bole tipu. cube la tipu diri sendiri.

    Did you read this line?
    I have accepted the fact that I'm not attractive. No hal.

    It's either you're THAT stupid or you just don't fucking know how to read?

    as fr the baju thing, padan muka hang la.. dah gemok tu, pi la shopping kat BIG. mongok.

    And since you've read this entry, that means you've been browsing thru my other entries la kan? And again, did you ACTUALLY READ? America = bigger clothes + good life. ;)

    kalau buruk tu at least perangai n mulut tu elok la sket, ni ranting on your blog using 3rd world mentality just to show the world that youre a fat fuck and youre damn ugly on the inside as well..

    And this is a problem to you because...?

    I've called myself ugly and fat (inside and outside) so many times before, and you're just repeating my shit. And your point?

    But hey, is it me who's been hiding behind the computer screen talking shit about others? We BOTH know that you're in denial of YOUR ugliness (literally and metaphorically speaking) hence your anonymity. Grow some balls and show your face next time, until then, don't even bother posting.

    congratulations, asshole
    Thanks for the input, bitch. :)

  18. amik ko anon kne sebijik dgn don..
    im really angry when some jerk use parent's name and even called them idiot to talk shit about someone..hey,did i have to call your parent bullshit just because u acted like stupid moron here?..geezzz

    oh btw..hi alia!im your silent reader!

  19. Hahah lady gugu, ni post lamaaa! Actually I dah tak ingat pon Ada post ni haha! Anyway, idiots are everywhere la,I've learned that now.

    And hi!! :D

  20. haah la..baru sedar post lama..actually I baru jmpe jgk la blog ni..tu yg main komen je entry lama pon..haha..


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)