hahahahahah.....saiko apa perempuan ni.
Updated: Day 2,3 and 4
Day 1We had to get up early in the morning...like REALLY early ok cause our flight is at 6am. You know lah airport procedures, you have to be there at least 1-2 hours before departure kan. I knew I had to sleep despite having to wake up at 3 in the morning, kalau tak mak gajah ni akan bertukar menjadi raksasa zombie.
Mom and aunt Kathy didn't go to sleep so mood mereka adalah off sikit. Tu laa, Don dah cakap, tidurr, nanti naga bernafas api keluarrrr.
So anyway, aunt Debbie reached our house awal (surprisingly) and we convoyed to the airport.
Yadda yadda yadda, to cut the story short, masa nak check-in, you know lah US kan, kena bukak kasut, laptop kena keluarkan, belts, jeweleries, ornaments and etc have to bukak and liquids aren't allowed if lebih limit kan. And oso, if ada meds you have to letak dlm plastic bag righttt.
Tapi si makcik ni (refer post below) lupa agaknya (positive thinking ni) she had liquids, meds, metals semua tak ikut procedure. So kenalah tahannnn.. adoi. Bila the security (TSA) bukak bag...omaigod, semua ada nokk. Hair styling products, ubat, minyak itu ini, liquid itu ini. Sampai makcik tu kena sound oleh security nokkk.
"Lain kali letak dalam plastik macam ni", security tu cakap.
"Oh ye ke", replied makcik.
*slaps head*
We had to wait for good 8 mins or so.
Nasib lah we still had ample time for our flight, kalau tak mau je tertinggal kapal terbang.
Nah, ni gambar masa tengah tunggu plane kat Charlotte airport.

Don buat muka bunguk. Suka suki je dia tau.

Tengok tu! That's Aunt Kathy, adik mak Don.

Mak Don, muka tak tidur.

Debbie dan abang dia, bapak Don. Ni lah si makcik tu.

Kanak-kanak gembira sebab had a good sleep and seksaited naik kapal terbang (haha!).

Don sebok main PSP
The airport tak der orang, maybe sebab bukan hub kot and maybe jugak sebab pagi sangat.
Anyway, the wait wasn't that long as all, maybe dalam 15 mins mcm tu terus je kena panggil. I didn't have enough chance to play with my new iPod toy :( Dah la internet free. Seronok bertwitter twittot.
[We flew for about 45 mins to Atlanta Airport ]Reached Atlanta. Ada lay-over for 3 jam. Mak oih, dah la RAMAI GILA orang (sebab hub kan), askar kiri kanan, macam gerun je kan..haha. But Don and I found a spot untuk plug in his laptop and recharge my iPod.

A nice little spot di mana crowd tak ramai. Oh noted, ini sebelum they changed our gate. We had only 10 mins untuk berlari ke the other side of the airport sebab diorg tukar gate on the last minit. Bongok gila tak.

Perempuan harimau bergembira dengan iPod terchentaaa..hahah...sakai

Nama pon jakun kannnn

Monyet monyet

Monyet ;)
[We flew for about 4 hours to get to Las Vegas - kematu bontot ok]Aku macam malas nak bangun cause I was seating in the middle seat, Don was in the window seat and some bulky guy was seating on the aisle seat. So kalau aku mahu bangun pergi ke toilet ke apa, kena bertungkus lumus nak keluar cause mak gajah dengan pak gajah tak boleh squeeze ok. Dua dua bergendang gendut.
Little did I know, the guy is actually a US Marshall..hahahahah....akak duduk sebelah Marshall nokkk. Kan every US flight kena ada sorang Marshall in case kalau ada apa-apa jadi...
I didn't know at first, itu pon Don yg kasi tau cause the guy asyik kena panggil oleh para-para flight attendants.
And plus, he was wearing a t-shirt yang bertulis "FIRE BRIGADE" kat belakang...=\ ke fire fighter...eh, lupa lah.
Anyway, I thought I didn't take any pics of Hoover Dam..tapi sebenarnya saya tangkap! hahaha..

Suasana di dalam. I noticed kan, flight attendants utk US flights semuanya tua-tua/tak beberapa attractive as compared to Asian/Middle eastern punya flights. Adakah mereka lebih pentingkan experience more than looks? Kalau mcam tu, kau rasa aku ada chance tak?
Hahahahahahah.....soalan keji, sila tampar sikit.

Dua ekor monyet bahagia

View from the sky

Hoh, Hoover Dam tu yang cenonet tuuu. Now u know why I was like "eh betul ke???" kan kan kan!!

Another view. Akak tak sempat nak tangkap gambar Grand Canyon lah adik adik, akak busy tidur. Tidur itu adalah nyaman. Hahah...gilos.
[Upon arrival at Las Vegas, Nevada]
Weeee!! Gambar wajib

Nak amik luggages.

Kat airport pon ada slot machines. Ye la, Vegas is the only place where gambling is legal kan, mesti la diorang nak amik advantage, ceruk ceruk mana pon mesti ada slot machines.

Penat, bontuit kematu, tapi masih seksaited. Bergambar dengan arnab pon jadi la yekk.

Ni pulak binatang lain. Hoih, gedik sungguh sampai panjat kat kepala binatang tu.
Lepas amik luggages suma suma, we were greeted by our limo driver...yes you got that right...our LIMOUSINE driver..hahaha...

Ted...eh, or was it Ned? our Limo driver. Bersama aunt Kathy yang suka flirt..haha..

Suka! Suka!! Dapat naik stretch limo!!

Presidential Limo lagi nokkkk, rasa diri macam president ehem.

Macam dalam movie kan! Pergi Vegas naik Limo, sambil di kelilingi oleh lelaki lelaki kacak...hahah..cuma aku di kelilingi oleh orang-orang tua la...hahahaha...eh keji.

Bestttt kann!!

Seksaited dapat naik limo. Hahah..jakun ahhh.

Inside the limo. Siap ada bar. We were served champange and of course saya hanya minum air mineral. Hoh, satu limo bau tapai.


The rest of the crew

Macam naik bas pulak..haha.

Limo ni tak der tingkap yang kat atas tu, cuma ada lampu liplap. Kalau ada tingkap, takde nye aku nak keluarkan kepala macam dalam movie tu, sebab hari siang, heat wave boleh menyebabkan rambut saya terbakar...hahah...
Woh, banyaknya lagi gambar, aku letak gambar je la, dah malas nak cerita..hahaha...ala aku cerita pon bukannya korang baca pon kan, korang tengok gambar je pooodah.

Our hotel - Treasure Island. Hotel ni dari luar buruk gila kan. Macam hotel berpuaka..haha..


The Mirage - one of the oldest hotels here. Dalam movie movie kan selalu ada hotel ni.

Caesars Palace - One hell of a hotel. Best gilaaaaa, besar gilaaaaa, syiok gilaaaa...eh semua gila-gila laa

That's the hotel. Gabak okkk.

A replica of Arc de Triomphe.

Paris Las Vegas. The inside of this hotel is superb I tell you. Nanti aku letak gambar.

Las Vegas Blvd.

This construction I saw it in the Discovery Channel cause one of the towers tu rupa macam nak roboh kan.

Hard Rock Cafe Las Vegas. Sorry Acu, tak dapat pergi, sebab it's on the other end of the blvd. Jauh nak jalan!

New York, Las Vegas

New York, Las Vegas. Tak dapat pergi New York, pergi Vegas pon cukup la kann..haha..

Replica of Statue of Liberty, NY.

Random street, otw to our hotel from the airport

Same lah.
[Checked in into our hotel]
Marching towards our rooms.

Bersantai di atas katil. Wohh, heavennya katil tuuu. Empukkk.

Hahaha...jakun sebab first time dapat tengok Trump's Las Vegas hotel..hahaha...this view is from our room. I couldn't help but thinking, adakah Donald Trump ada kat situ?? Atau Ivanka ke??

Vegas view from our room

Jangan tertipu, nampak redup, sekali heat wave datang..wahh, make up terus cair..hahah....

Dinner buffet. Tempat ni seafood heaven nokkk. Seafood and sushi. Ahhh saya boleh hidup dengan sushi sahaja.

Aunt Kathy

Tengok lah tu, sampai dua pinggan aku amik..penuh dengan sushi je..hahah...kalau tak sushi, seafood. Nyam nyam!
Around 8:30pm, we went to the hotel's show. Don was in the room sleeping cause penat sangat kot, the parents and the aunts were already there, tinggallah aku yang terkontang-kanting nak bersiap siap sebab nak pegi show tu. Ye la, after dinner kena naik atas dulu, berak, semayang, cuci muka, cuci bontuit suma-suma tu. Pastu dah kelam kabut cause the show was about to start.
So I had to jog as fast as I could downstairs, sampai kat bawah je, omaigod. Penuhnya orang!!!! Kenot move! But since I was the hotel guest, I just had to show my room key to the guard and he'll let me into this bar la kan, so ada kerusi sofa and we could see the show dengan clear.
I showed him my room key and you know what he said??
Guard: Can I see your ID please?
Wahhhh!! Muka aku muka budak budak ke???? (gembira ni sebenarnya..hahah)
So I told him,
Me: Oh I don't have an ID, but I do have a passport
Guard: That'll be fine then
And to make matter worst, I had my passport in the safe!!! IN THE ROOM!! Uwaaa! Dah lah I had to rush downstairs sebab tanak miss the show, sekali kena naik balik amik passport pulakkk, bunguk!!
Terus aku berlari keanak-anakkan (woh, maintain ayu ni) naik bilik.
Grabbed my passport and turun balik. And showed him my passport
Guard: You're 24? I thought you were younger than that!
Muahahahahahah...saya awet muda la abe...haha...
ok ok, tamat cerita, nah gambar lagi.
Treasure Island's
Sirens of TI show.
I'm too lazy to elaborate on the show, tepek gambar sudah la yek. Kalau you're interested to know about the background story about it, sila pergi ke link di atas.

Kapal pirates terbakar

Kapal pirates meletop.


Pirates jumped into the water.

Kapal pirates tenggelam. Serious shit, mmg tenggelam. haha..

The perempuan yang lure the pirates

Pirates berenang...


Perempuan again

When the kapal perempuan ni terbakar, omaigod, I could feel the heat. Macam muka sendiri yang terbakar. I ter-jerked kebelakang ok!

Oklah, gambar ni tunggang langgang, but the highlight here is not about their show kan!!..haha...
Sesambil tengok show tu, sesambil multitask amik gambar permandangan..haha..

Dunno what building. Lupa ah

Part of the strip. Ni lepas show dah habis. See lah all the empty sofa.
After the show, the aunts went gambling, the parents and I went upstairs untuk tidur. Penat doh.
Day 2
We had to wake up early cause mom and the aunts had to go for a meeting in Paris. And since we wanted to go there too, kami pon bersiap-siap lahhh.

Menggedik sebelum keluar.

On the tram. From TI to hotel mana ntah, lupa..haha..





Keluar from tram, had to walk to Paris.

Panas terbakarrrrrrrrrrrr. Masa ni kaki masih bersemangat nak jalan, so we walked there lah. But lepas-lepas tu..rasa mau naik kerusi roda je :( Penat lahh

INSIDE Paris hotel. The outside IS inside nokkk. Sungguh pretty. Nampak macam senja kan..padahal kat luar tu panas membara..haha

Kenkonon feeling ala Parisian la ni yee

The crowd was overwhelmed. Maybe jugak sebab diorg ada convention, so ramai je manusia manusia berbusiness suit.

Eh, perempuan sesat peluk tiang..apakah?? haha..

Suka suki!

Chewahh cik abang. Berangan nostalgia keee

Rehat-rehat si Bally's. Penat lahhh, dah habis shopping shopping sakan, mesti la duduk.

Bosan while waiting for them to finish up meeting.

Cinta sejati...kah kah kah, sila muntah.

Back at Paris. Oh Bally's dgn Paris ni dekat je, ada macam connection kat bawah tu. Kat situ lah saya bershopping, kat situ jugak lah saya di tanya whether I know Spanish or not (refer post below).

After the meeting. Heading out to the hot summer day.

Pakcik jual ubat kuat ka?

Macam pakcik jual ubat lah!! Haha..

Matahari terik, walaupon angin tiup, but masih panas.

OTW balik hotel. Taken on the pedestrian cross sebab tu nampak cermin murky.

The gondolas ride

Later that evening, we headed to the Venetian. Pretty scenery kan!

Inside. Nevermind the anak beranak, look at the ceiling!

Ok now you can look at the anak beranak.

Hai cik Abang..sorang je ke? Feewit. Haha..

Painting on the ceiling

Deeper inside The Venetian. Muka marah, sebab masa ni tengah marah lah. Haha..

A real life statue. Kelakar la, memula aku ingat patung, tetiba dia kenyit kenyit mata.

Siapa si hensem ni? Hikhikhik

Lawa kan???

Yes, you're in awe aren't you!

Bersama makciknya. Haha..

Bersama makciknya jugak. Masa nak tangkap gambar ni, ada a bunch of guys tetiba came to us and posing bersama-sama. Siap kasi peace sign lagi. Haha..kelakar lah.

Outside on the strip.

We were sooo tired of walking! Masa ni kaki dah berdenyut denyut.

Had to stop and sit down. Sambil itu ber-cam whoring lah.

Di waktu malam di Vegas.

Hai. Saya Alia si gelap

Penat lah!

Traffic macam KL hahaha..

Inside Atlantis Hotel.

Muka gembira dapat kerusi..haha.

I was so amazed by this escalator. Sebab melengkung.

See! See! Impressive..

We don't get it why there's a trojan horse dalam Atlantis...

Outside of the hotel
We watched the Fall of Atlantis, sorry I didn't take any pics cause I was soooo tired!! Itu pon aku duduk atas lantai ok, belasah la apa orang nak cakap, penat ahh!!
Then we went back to our hotel.
Day 3
Kali ni aku tak amik banyak gambar sebab penat. And plus, we were at the hotel most of the day, except the part where we went to Sephora untuk membeli makeup. Haha..
Ada hati si cashier Sephora tu nak flirt dengan Don. Ptuih!..Haha..tetiba nak ludah kan.
Since that night was our last night there, and Don was sleeping when we went to see the Siren of TI show tu, we've decided to go there again. Ala, bawah hotel ke kan, apa payah. But kali ni, gila ramai orang, sampai I couldn't even see the guard! So we had to stay in the puddle of people. No priority of being the hotel's guests :(

Masih suka menangkap gambar despite di tenggelami oleh orang ramai

After the show

Muka gembira sebab finally dapat tengok TI's show

TI's entrance

Weee!! Saya dapat tangkap gambar bersama para pelakon Sirens of TI. Hahhaaaaahahaha *ketawa ebil*
Ok. So what if I'm short and stubby.
Since it was our last night there, we've decided to watch the fountain show by the Mirage. Ala kan fountain tu femes, selalu ada dalam TV. Walaupon kaki macam nak tercabut, aku gagahkan jugak berjalan.

Aunt Kathy and Donnie @ The Mirage.

We were waiting for the fountain to start! Cepat lah!!

Api! Api!
If you're interested, I have recorded the show jugak. Together-gether dengan music sekali! Ha!
Oh for your information, manusia yang bercakap
"wowww" atau
"owww" atau
"wahh!" tu, bukan saya ok.
You can only hear my voice at the end of the clip, masa saya cakap
"I'm rolling the camera!!" because Don was bugging me to take a picture. Yer ah, aku tengah sebok rakam, tetiba bunyi bingit kat telinga,
"now! Picture! Now!!". Apakahh!

This Captain Amerika is on the way back to the hotel. Baju comot gila. Hahahaha...
End of Day 3.
Day 4
Journey day. I mean the WHOLE day was a journey day. We checked out at 12pm, flight at 3pm, reached home in NC at 12am!! Ye la, you gotta consider that we lost time during the transition and oso the time difference. NC cepat 3 jam. Gila nok, penat ok satu hari traveling.

TI hotel lobby. Checking out.

In the limo. OTW to the airport. From left, Aunt Kathy, Don and I.
Pakai stokin dengan sandals..haha...ntah apa apa la laki aku ni

Hai. Saya Don.

Last view of Las Vegas

Goodbyeeee Las Vegassssss
So yadda yadda yadda, sampai Charlotte, terus naik kereta and berenti kat Pancake House pukul 12 tengah malam. Sebab lapar gilaaaa. Aku bukak posa dengan kacang dan air je okkk.
I could just bukak puasa awal cause Musaffir kan like what I did on the first day, tapi nanti malas la nak ganti balik banyak banyak.

Muka gembira dapat makanan

Omaigod. Messy gila. Perempuan mana ni

Hahahahahah.....I made fun of him. Sekali kena middle finger.
OK. That's all kawan kawan!! Finally huh!! habis jugak entry kali ni!!
Penuh gambar, penuh memories!!