Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Selingan romatik

I booted up the laptop (nama pon internet geek kan, laptop dan Alia tidak boleh berpisahhh!) and I was shocked....

*sila click for a larger view*. But you know the overall bentuk lah kann..It's a heart-shaped notes!

Romantisssssssss *cair* ahahah!

Hari tu he letak cookie with a note of lukisan heart on top of it. Tapi aku lupa nak tangkap gambar sebab lapar sangat, perasaan gelojoh aku telah membunuh perasaan romantika aku. Hahaha! Dasar pelahap kan?


  1. owh ally, sangat romantik!

  2. OMG!!!! the sims??? Im like the fanatic of all fanatic fan... been playing it for along time (since 2006) ... but now can't keep up with it with the lil tyke next to me..haih...

    dah main extension ape je?

  3. Feha: Kan? Kan? Aii lapp uuu lahhhhh Donnieeeeee

    Daily Dose: ME TOO!!!! HAHAHAH eh nanti The Sims 3 nak keluar!!! Nak beli!!!!! I tak main extension apa apa lagi...tapi nanti i nak suruh Don beli Sims 3!! *muka ebil*

  4. Awwwwww laahhhhhh sangat the tarching kan!

    *jeles jeles* :p

  5. huh dah nak kua sims 3?
    sims 2 ni pun tak terabih main..
    extension die banyak sgtlah..
    tp psp nye the sims mmg best masyuk gila main

  6. kenapa lomantis sangat..lase nak pengsan..suke suke..
    oh aku pun gilo sims..x kira the sims ke..simcity ke..apa2 sim la..


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)