Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Haha macam bangang tauuuu, yesterday we went to Lowe's because the parents wanted to get something for the pool. So masa dalam kereta, I don't remember lah how the topic got into us women love mengambil gambar. Tetiba si ayah Don cakap:

Bapak Don: Ally took a picture of me when I was fixing the window yesterday...
Mak Don: Oh really? Well that's what we do! We like to take pictures of every little moments of our lives! Right Ally?? *she and I memang satu team okkk, girl powaaaa hahah*
Bapak Don: Naaa..I think she did it cause she wanted to take a picture of my bum.

HAhahahah !!!

ADA KAA?!?!?

Masa tu aku dok teringat kat korang yang cakap pasal betapa hotnya rupa bapak Don dari belakang. Ngeri ok tetiba pikir macam tu. Hahahaha

Time tu Don dah gelak terkekek-kekek, rasa mau cekik dia boley?


  1. lawak la family dorg ni...

    x pnah kenal any US family so mcm seronok je bace and get to know their life..

  2. haha.. mesti ayah dondon tu baca komen ktorang kan..

  3. haha, ally. awat Don ketawa, dia tahu ke kita puji his father nampak hot from the back? :p

  4. Hahahaaa...klaka la his dad!
    I agree with si gediks, i rasa mat saleh punya family mmg agak sporting & pakai cakap aje semua.. Hahahaa...
    Klu kite melayu, impossible la FIL nak ckp mcm tu. Harus dipandang lain. Hehehee..

    tc there & haf more fun!

  5. aku pon sebenarnya nak ckp kemarin apak dond0n mmg hot... malu tapi mahu...

    *gediks berlarian ke perigi untuk angkut air*


  6. bila kau cakap ni..
    terus aku scroll ke bawah tgk pic tu balik..
    mmg hot noy..buntuit pun sgt comel..
    omg..apa jadah aku cakap pasal buntuit bapak mertua org ni..i need help...haha

  7. Hahaha sakit perot aku bca comment korang.. (ke memang aku nak berak ni??) haha, tapi apa jadah korang nak terpikat dengan bapak diaaa, dia masih ada abang,sedara dan rakan-rakan! hahahahaha

    Feha,pernah ke aku bersecret dengan Don? hahaha mesti lah dia tahuu yang korang memuji bontuittt bapak dia hahahaah


Thanks! Here's a cookie. :)