These Americans..they are not really friendly to other races (haha, matiler kena maki nanti) *(edited) Don: America is a melting pot! Americans = multiple races!*, so being an Asian especially, an Asian with tanned skin (nama glemer utk kulit hitam manisssku), an Asian with no slanted eyes, an Asian whom cannot speak Chinese nor Japanese, an Asian who IS not a Chinese nor's gonna be hard on them to adapt.
I mean stereotypically, in their eyes, an Asian is this:

(haha, the title of the picture is busty Asian. THAT's busty? *gelak menggelupur*)
I wonder how will they react if they see this Asian?
Yeah, so the picture doesn't compliment me at all, but kan, most of my pictures that I've uploaded here, semuanya buruk buruk belaka.
Nak buat macam mana, cameras don't like me (ayat denial yg diri sendiri huduh, haha! )
Anyway, though I have learned how to sepiking like them, with my superfake accent, probably I should speak like typical Chinese yang baru migrated to US huh?
I rove u Don Mirrer.
Har har harrrrrrrr.
Or maybe I should dye my hair
No hablo español!
Nak buat macam mana, cameras don't like me (ayat denial yg diri sendiri huduh, haha! )
Anyway, though I have learned how to sepiking like them, with my superfake accent, probably I should speak like typical Chinese yang baru migrated to US huh?
I rove u Don Mirrer.
Har har harrrrrrrr.
Or maybe I should dye my hair
Oh. Nevermind.
Oh speaking of brown, this is how my hair should look like:
Bongek. HAHAHA. Seriously aku trgelak gilao here. But seriously, i have to confess, u'd look great dgn tht tyra banks nye hair colour. LOL. Tht kari alagapas pon bleh tahan jgk la. LAWAK DOWH. And...
ReplyDeleteKesian ur friend there. Hahaha!
warrghhhh! kahkahkahhhh!!!!
ReplyDeletecop! aku soka yg kaler serbuk kari tuu...
ReplyDeletehui.. baru masuk dan dah siap bace sume n3 yg ada :)
ReplyDeleteklakar oke hang buat rerambut memacm kaler itu!
selingan: hai kakjah... hihihi..
hahaha, ally awat muka penumpang glamer tu separuh je lain kali letak full photo.
ReplyDeletetapi yg brown kala tu cun :p
Ath: I KNOW right?? I soooooo want that Tyra's color! Tapi apek tu bagi kaler kari alagappas!! Mengamok ni!! *padahal I was the one who bought the color..hehe, tp sebab tensi punya pasal, I'm still blaming on that apek! CURSE YOU APEK!!!!*
ReplyDeleteTijah: Kaler serbuk kari tu lawa la jugak *ni kes nak puji diri sendiri*, tapi kulitku gelappppp, sooooooo :(:(:(
Wani: And you made me rageeeeeee with jealousy! (boleh kah mcm ni? hahah!)
Alis: Wah, terrer gila! Nampak sgt entriku simple, bosan dan riang gembira *nari nari gendut* hahahahaha
Feha: AAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHah kau nak merampas keglemeran aku ke haaaaaa hA!? HAAA?!?!!!! *muka berang*
OMG ally so funny!
ReplyDeletefeha jadi penumpang glamour jap :p
hey. wut application do u use to dye ur hair =]
ReplyDeletetell me. i'm so beginner
Shad: Hahaha a ah, buat sementara ini, tapi aku dah kasi betis, mau peha pulakk! Grrrr! HAHA!
ReplyDeleteAliph: Photoshop hiburan sekeluarga! Download je and get the key gen..*eh don't listen to my advice*